No two people in the world are exactly alike.Al people even identical twins,have their own experiences and their viewpoints.Do you have to agree with people to respect their right to have an opinion?No.But people with differing views and opinions can respect each other‘s right to differ.You do not have to like the same food or music as your friends, practice the same religion, or dress the same way.But you might want to be open to learn about those differences.An important part of growing is being willing to learn new things.Being open to see new things and learning about other people without negatively prejudging them is a form of tolerance.But does tolerance mean that all behaviours have to be accepted? No, of course not.Behaviours that disrespect or hurt others,should not be toleratad.Respect is about accepting people for who they are for their best selves.Tolerance also means treating others the way you would like to be treated.
The basic right of every human being is the right for life.We should all be born to grow to study to share life and the world with people around us.If we cannot accept other‘s opinions,the proble‘m is not in the way they think,but it‘s in our attitude towards them.
Many people don‘t get the chance to live a healthy and full life.If we handicapp them or if we just simply ignore them we don‘t consider them equals.As a result we divide the society instead of uniting it.
Society is formed by groups of individuals who possess different elements that make them human.
We all have our unique characteristics and personalities that make us different from each other. Those characteristics, qualities and attributes – which are the bases for the betterment of society – are in fact most important and of great significance, whether it be loyalty, sincerity, love or gratitude.
Tolerance is one of those qualities that forms the bedrock of society. The world is a much smaller place today. Globalisation has blurred borders throughout the world. More people from different nations, cultures, religions and lifestyles are working together and living in the same neighbourhoods than ever before. We’re in a global villageIn this globalisation, where people of different backgrounds, cultures and faith live together, and where the world has become more multicultural and diverse than ever before, establishing tolerance and harmony has become more crucial and important; fostering mutual love and affection has become vital.