English, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

write a speech on "Avoiding the junk food.​


Answered by jenny863


Good morning honored principals, guests and dear friends The subject of my speech is junk food.

The word junk food defines the food that is not good for your body and is completely unimportant for the body. Junk food does not have any low or very low nutritional value, and despite that they are marketing, they are not healthy to consume. Most of them are high in saturated fats and sugar components and in addition to salt and lack of any fiber. The only reason for increasing their popularity and the growing trend of consumption is that they are ready to eat food or are easy. People of all ages are heading towards junk food because it is hassle-free and is often ready to grab and eat. Soft drinks, chips, wafers, noodles, pizzas, burgers, french fries etc. are some examples of various types of fast food available in the market.

Nutritionists have researched the bad effects of junk food and have come to the conclusion that junk food manufacturing companies are fooling people by displaying deceitful advertisements that show market junk food healthy. Me V_ should give the option of junk food with healthy food like fruits and vegetables. The junk food enthusiasts have to suffer the consequences of eating it in excess. So the next time you take that burger, hotdog, pizza, samosa, kachoris or even ice cream to eat in a restaurant, joints or a party, stop your tendency and instead, some healthy eating options Find out.

Answered by prince5132

Avoiding Junk Food

Good morning, today I, Prince Pandey have got a golden opportunity to express my views on the topic " Avoiding junk foods". It is true that junk foods are harmful for our health. Junk foods are need of Todays children. We commonly eat junk foods like chocolate , which contains a metal in large amount , which causes damage to the human brain ; wafers , which are cooked with oil that are particularly harmful to the heart , and many other harmful junk foods. Offenly Junk foods are more eaten by small childrens. Children can digest the junk foods easily but it can damage their systems in due course. The junk food looks very attractive but they are very harmful. The main thing is avoiding and junk Junk foods can be avoid , if parents encourage their child to avoid junk food and to eat healthy foods. Now I am ending my speech by requesting all of you present here to "Avoid junk food".

Thank you.


→ Heading off the topic.

→ detail of the topic.

→ complementary closure.

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