English, asked by divya3namzulfairya, 1 year ago

Write a speech on "importance of adult education "


Answered by Amritas

 The smooth working of the democratic Government and other institutions suffer to a great extent because of India’s backwardness in education.

Most of the people are not conscious of their rights, and duties because of the lack of proper education and awareness. It is with the educated and enlightened people alone that the country can progress in all directions. In our country, adult illiteracy poses a serious problem and hence, the need of adult education. When they are educated, they can take an active part in the development of their country-side in various fields and ensure the progress of the country.

In India, many adult people are illiterate. They cannot read or write. They are not able to develop their sense of awareness of many things that would help them in life. With a view to marking these people literate, emphasis has been put on adult education.

Night schools are being organized in the slum areas in towns and cities and in undeveloped rural areas. Vigorous campaigns are launched to make the adult illiterates realize their aim in life.The illiterate adults should realize that they should be responsible citizens in a democracy. An illiterate person cannot perform his duties properly.

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