Religion is not only a necessary but a very significant part of our lives. Most people would find it very difficult to live without religion or spirituality. A lot of time, money and contemplation have been spent on religion. A look at some of the most ancient and beautiful buildings of the world have a religious significance. Ancient tombs, churches, cathedrals, synagogues, account for some of the wonders of the world. There are people who are willing to even die for the sake of religion. Some of them leave aside their profitable businesses and flourishing careers to follow a Godly path. There are others who even renounce the world, their families and everything they own just to follow some religious beliefs or paths which would bring them nearer to God.
Holy wars have been waged and lives have been lost all for the sake of religion and one can only surmise that religion is more important than money, power, position, relationships and property. There is definitely something positive to be derived from following a particular religion. Each religion is perfect in their own way and each religion teaches the same basic values and principles. People undertake fasting, go on pilgrimages, empty their coffers of all their wealth and renounce the world all for sake of religion. In most cases this is done willingly and voluntarily without any coercion or guilt. The values one has learnt since childhood only increases with years and makes you a stronger and more determined person. Instilling good and strong values in a child is what makes responsible and worthy adults.
You are ready to follow your own religion and seek answers to many confusing questions, gain peace of mind, seek guidance through difficult times and turn to God for all you may need. But how many times have people turned to God to thank him for the many mercies and blessings he has showered on you? We all live in a selfish world where only wants and needs have to be satisfied. We all crave for something more than we have without stopping to think of the many blessings that have come our way.