English, asked by probrain0, 6 months ago

write a speech on the topic of avoiding wastage of pape


Answered by KrishnaKumar01

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Too much of this paper usage is wasteful and unnecessary and puts huge pressures on the environment. So Collect the paper you use and then reuse where possible . And when you do have to buy new paper make sure it is recycled. I am concluding my speech by reminding you that , ''Save a paper to save a tree.

So, we have to save paper.

Answered by AdhishaSahni


All of us are aware that the ultimate source of paper is the forest. There is a direct correlation between the amount of paper used and the number of trees felled to obtain it. Although everyone talks a lot about “saving trees” and “deforestation”, most of us don’t think twice about wasting paper. Not everyone is like The Recycle Man, and that is a book you must all read at least once.

Paper is used everywhere – in schools, colleges, homes and offices – and very often, the wastage is much more than the usage. The reason for this is simply a careless and callous attitude: we use the whole sheet of paper just to note down a shopping list; we use a crisp new sheet to print a small paragraph; we print notices on only one side of a sheet and don’t bother to use the other blank side-the list is end


This is the answer.

Hope it helps ❤️

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