Write a story a description or an account of a picture of some poor boys playing with an old car tyre. Your composition should be directly about the subject or the picture or may take suggestions from it, but there must be a clear connection between the picture and the composition.
Games are not the same played everywhere. It depends on the place the game is played, the weather of the region, whether it is an indoor or outdoor game etc. But the most common difference between the games played is between the rich and the poor. Rich people, who can afford any games they desire, like Hockey, Golf, Chess etc. love to play those games. But the poor who can't, have to play with games they made or they have from a long time. Some poor people play with car tyres or bicycle tyres. The real thing is that the rich don't know how fun it is to play with those tyres. Rich people love what they have. They don't look for the outside world and have fun of the games played by others. The society had made a barrier between the games played by different people or so. They think playing with car tyres is for poor children and playing chess at home is for rich people. It's us who have made the game, not the nature. Then why are classifying whom to play what! We have classified of whom the game is made for, but the game is going to give happiness equally to all. Don't forget but "We judge the game but game doesn't judge you"