Write a story about a boy who got lucky one day
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I was running late for work on Friday trying to get my bags packed for DC. It was a beautiful day and normally I would walk to the subway. Since I was running late the only way to make it to work on time would be to catch a cab. So I flagged down the first cab that drove by my house. When I got into the back seat I saw a brand new Iphone4 sitting right next to me in the middle. I said to the driver where did you just drop the last person off? and showed him the phone. There was a language barrier between us but he knew what I meant. He pointed at a girl walking up the street, we drove up to her and I rolled down the window and yelled out to her. She was soo thankful and by the look on her face I could tell how grateful she was. As I know from previous experience, if you leave your cell phone in a cab, most likely it's gone. After she got the phone back, I heard someone walking past her say, "Today's your lucky day!". I was happy I could help her. Within 2 minutes of walking out my front door I helped change someone's day from bad to good, quite the way to start the day.
hi himani
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