English, asked by chinubhati, 1 year ago

write a story about 'better alone then in a bed company'


Answered by NightFury

It is better to be called a loner than to be labeled as a bad person. It is better off to be without any friends than to have friends with a bad character. You are known by the company you keep. So we must be careful while choosing our friends.

Once there lived a group of monkeys in a small forest next to a mangrove. There were a lot of youngsters among the group who played around and spent their time happily. One day a new monkey family came to live with the group. The new family had two little monkeys - Tittoo and Bittoo - that were very mischievous and naughty beyond imagination. 

Soon Tittoo and Bittoo began to make friends with the other little monkeys and tempting them to join in their pranks. 

“You are living such a boring life. You must be adventurous like us. You are missing out on so much fun," they would tell the other youngsters. 

The other monkeys too were fascinated by Tittoo and Bittoo’s activities and soon joined in. They played havoc in the neighboring mangrove by eating all the mangoes and stealing things from anyone who passed by. They ransacked the houses in the neighboring village and took great pleasure in scaring young children and snatching away their toys. 

Anisha143: hii
Anisha143: i was deleted star maker
Anisha143: so sorry
Answered by SelieVisa


Better to be alone than in bad company

A man was worried that his son has fallen into bad company. He started picking up many bad habits. This good father thought that quarreling will only make matter wose.

One day he went to market and purchased a bag of fresh apples and also a rotten one. Coming home he called his son. He asked his son to put the bag of apples along with the rotten one in the almirah. The son obeyed after all it was a. easy work. After some days the father asked his son to bring the apples. The son brought the bag and placed it on the table near his father. His father told him to open the bag. As he opened the bag he was surprised to see that all the apples have become rotten.

The father gently explained that one rotten apple had spoiled all the rest. In the same way one bad companion could spoil all others. The boy understood and changed his old ways. He stopped seeing his bad companions and became a good son.

Better be alone than in bad company is a proverb which is a useful reminder for everybody. The wisdom behind this proverb ithat it is better off to be without any friends than to have friends with a bad character.

We are known by the company we keep. So it is better to be called a loner than to be labeled as a bad person like the friends we keep. Being labelled a loner is much better than to mingle with bad company.

Further, when we spend time with people who are not morally good, we may be influenced by them. Under their influence we may lose our good moral values and become a person of bad character. There are many young people who destroyed their life and career because they became alcoholics and drug addicts because of the bad company they kept. It is very important to choose our friends carefully and avoid bad company.

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