English, asked by TbiaSamishta, 9 months ago

Write a story. Hints.. A vain stag was thirsty.- reached a pool.- show his reflection.- glad to see his antlers.- hated his thin and ugly legs.- hounds ran after him.- stay ran to save his life.- antlers get stuck in bushes.- legs Carrie him away.- antlers became the cause of its death. Moral- Title-


Answered by Arslankincsem


Once upon a time, a vain stag was thirsty. So, it reached a pool to quench its thirst. While it was drinking water from the pool, it showed his reflection in the water. The vain stag was very glad to see his antlers. At the same time, the water also showed its legs and the stag hated his thin and ugly legs. All of a sudden, it could hear some hounds right behind. The hounds ran after him. Looking at the threat, the stag stay ran to save his life. It tried to outsmart them by going into a deep forest with many trees so that the hounds couldn't catch him. However, when it enters the deep forest, its antlers get stuck in bushes. He thought that its could legs carry him away but the antlers have proved to be the hindrance for its life. Ultimately, the hounds came very close and pounced on him to take his life. The antlers became the cause of its death. Moral- From the story, we can get the moral that "All that glitters is not gold." Title- The title of the story can be aptly said to be "The Stag and His Reflection".

Answered by yukhtha2008


The Vain Stag

It was a hot summer day. A stag felt very thirsty. He went to a pool. He saw his image in the pool. He was very happy to see the image of his horns in the water. He thanked god for this nice gift. Then he saw his thin and ugly legs, he felt much ashamed. He began to curse god for this ugliness.

Just then he heard the barking of hounds. He ran for his life. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. The hounds could not catch him. But his horns were caught in a brush. He tried his best to free himself, but in vain. Meanwhile, the hounds overtook him and tore him into pieces. His ugly legs tried to save his life, but the beautiful horn became the cause of his death.

Moral: all that glitters is not gold

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