English, asked by 17225, 5 months ago

Write a story in 150-200 words that begins with the line. The story has
been started for you.
It was 11 o'clock at night, and he hadn't come home...


Answered by avenger233


It was 11 o clock at home. In her 30 years of life, Anna haven't sit alone at her home. She felt so weird and was a bit nervous. Her husband hadn't reached home.

Her consciousness made her so fright and she called her husband. He said," Dear, I can't come home right now. Boss is very strict. I'll try to come early..Ok? Bye"

Anna was so afraid. She thought of waving her attention from the feeling of loneliness and went to the kitchen to experiment a new dish. She kept the vegetables on stove to get cooked. While she was waiting for the veggies to get cooked, she thought meanwhile she could draw a painting. She went to paint and drew a beautiful picture. She was waiting for the picture to get dry. Meanwhile she thought of sweeping the room. Suddenly a smell came from kitchen.

It was the dish which she had been preparing. It got burned. While running to turn of the stove she slip on the paint cans and fell on the floor.

Alas! Everything was ruined and the whole night she had to bring back the condition of house to normal!

Moral: Concentrate at a thing

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