English, asked by yashgahlot1070, 8 months ago

Write a story in about two hundred words based on the theme ‘Courage and
Selflessness’. Give an appropriate title and moral.


Answered by smartbrainz


One evening, late September, 8-year-old Manoj and his 10-year-old sister Sabrina were watching TV when they suddenly saw an orange-red hue coming from their neighbor’s house on the opposite side of the street. Manoj and Sabrina’s parents had gone out for a function and were not at home at that time. Panicked, they both ran to their neighbor’s home to know what it was and they were aghast to find that the house was on fire. They immediately looked around to see where the family members were; four of the five family members were safe outside, but one member, the youngest of all 4-year old Adil was nowhere around.

The family members realized that Adil was still inside who was sleeping in his bedroom on the first floor, and they were terrified. Adil’s parents started crying and wanted to rush inside the burning house to save him. But the people around there who were helping to douse the flames until the fire brigade arrived, did not allow them to go inside. They said it was dangerous for them to go inside, as they could also get hurt or lose their lives. The fire brigade was yet to arrive and the flames were rising higher and higher. Manoj and Sabrina were worried.

They were close to Adil and loved him a lot and could not imagine anything happening to him. Immediately Manoj had an idea which he told his sister Sabrina. They decided they would save little Adil. Luckily they saw the window side of the room where Adil was sleeping. The flames had not reached that side, however, there was thick smoke. They got hold of a ladder and placed it under the first-story window. The smoke was very strong and there were chances that the fire could leap this way anytime. But Manoj and his sister did not fear.

While Sabrina held the ladder for Manoj, he climbed up and managed to raise the window. Manoj knocked the window screen out and Adil who was awake was standing terrified tears flowing down from his eyes. Manoj held his hand and asked Adil to hold. The little boy first was afraid, but later agreed. Manoj guided the boy out the window and down the ladder. Adil was taken to the hospital, however, he was unharmed.  Adil’s parents were so thankful to Manoj and Sabrina for saving their son’s life. Manoj and Sabrina’s parents’ who had come back from the function could not believe what they had children had done and felt so proud of them. However Manoj and Sabrina remain humble and when they were called heroes, they said they can't say they really consider themselves heroes and further said that they think anyone would have done what they did in that situation”.

Moral: To be courageous and selfless, age is not a criterion; you need only your mind and heart to say yes!

To know more

Please complete the following story -

Once a boy was coming home from school. He noticed a purse lying on the road. He picked it up and found it was full of notes. He put it into his pocket. But just then a policeman................


Story writing - a pampered daughter of a wealthy family - fond of modern gadgets - birthday arrived - wanted an iPhone - visited countryside - saw a poor woman - teaching poor kids - decided to help - brought things of their needs - celebrated her birthday by helping them - best birthday of her life


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