English, asked by Cyberspaceboy, 4 months ago

write a story in your own words how you are studying in lockdown period.

guys please help me
it's urgent !!!!​


Answered by siddhigoel211


★Online classes via Skype, zoom etc. are really helpful for everyone in the society especially children as they are benefited with same purpose of learning that they initially were before the lock down started. This is helping the teachers too as they get to communicate with their students and share knowledge. Due to the pace at which the online classes are functioning the students are able to dedicate some time learning even though they are actually not going to the place at which it is taught.

★Not only studies but various other extra-curricular activities including exercise, music, motivational speaking, author talks and all other possible activities are virtualized now. This is a platform for everyone to interact even though they are far away from each other and enables flexible communication. A number of people from various parts of the state, country or even the world can participate in these online platforms either by hosting the talks or being a part of it.

★The resources needed are just a proper wi-fi connection, an invite or an account in one of the online platforms and a digital device such as a phone or laptop. One can even interact and talk with their family, friends or relatives who are in different parts of the country or the world. However, there are some disadvantages too as, at one time a number of people get into the meeting then there may be a few connection problems in one of their houses but it affects the whole meeting. When something has to be done together by everyone in the meeting for example singing together then the sounds are really hard to distinguish and everyone’s voice is not clearly heard.

★More so the teacher finds it hard to teach new lessons as it is hard to comprehend whatever they are saying. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this method of teaching and learning but in these lock down times they are truly vital in as they are easy and beneficial forms of virtual communication.

Answered by karthikeyan0175


Sunday 10/05/20

I got up at 8am so I could try and finish off both my essays. At the end of Hilary I had Mods - essentially two weeks of pretty intense exams. Since the beginning of Trinity I’ve started Greats (my finals options), which involves doing two units a term. This term I’m doing Latin core, a big literature paper, and Roman History 5 (RH5), which covers the Roman Republic from 146BC to 46 BC. This means that I’ve got ten essays this term - generally two due on odd weeks, and one on even. On even weeks I have a 2 hour reading class which replaces my normal Latin Core tutorial. By a twist of fate (and some over-zealous doodle polling on my part) both tutorials are on Tuesdays - and so are due Monday night. I quite like this though, as to means I’m quite flexible in my timetable the rest of the week. So far I’m about 1000 words into each - aiming for 2000 for Latin Core and 2500-3000 for RH5.

I spend most the day writing my essays, stopping for breakfast and lunch (and several coffees). The Latin Core one is about the power, function and history of poetry in Vergil’s Eclogues. I find the topic really interesting but struggle with identifying some of the intertextuality and allusions to Hellenistic poets like Callimachus and Theocritus. Tutors, librarians and my faculty have been really great about making the books we need available online - like the commentary’s which indicate specific interplay. This helps massively but it's still difficult to write my essay while referring back to the online books. I normally split my computer screen, which is okay for essay writing but more difficult in tutes.

I have the same issue with the RH5 one, where I keep needing to refer back to the primary texts. This week we’re looking at the popular politicians of the 2nd century, like the Gracchi. The history secondary reading was initially hard to get hold of, but my tutor has since made a lot of PDF's available on Canvas. Canvas is the online learning platform that my faculty is using. It's been a really useful way to share resources for both of my units.

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