Write a story in your own words on The topic "Happiness is a choice so choose it"
a)word limit 150 to 200 words
c)it should be interesting and gripping
I was walking down the road one day, it was a really quiet morning, every morning actually is quiet, but this morning was different. I was walking along the footpath , it was covered with leaves which fell from
the line of trees following the footpath. The view as seen from my eyes was unbelievable, a pleasant breeze was kissing my cheeks very passionately.
Nothing was going on in my mind, not a single thought. Actually there were some thoughts but I don’t remember any of it, I only remember that I had some of them. But I wanted that moment to never end. As I walked ahead, I began to observe various things around me. The one which blew me away was of a mother and her little baby.
The mother wore a long dirty cloth, as if she found it when somebody threw it away. How easy it is for the more fortunate people to throw away the things they don’t need, they do this without thinking of the
unfortunate needy people. So what I saw was that the mother was holding her baby protecting her from the morning cold. She wrapped her very tightly, so that no harm can touch her little baby.
The mother with her baby was sitting on the street, expecting some money from the kinder lot, so that she can buy food for both of them. It is not an uncommon scene, we see these things everyday around us, but sometimes these things can impact us very strongly. It was the time for my realization of how lucky I have been in my whole life, it made me feel how small my problems were, and then I saw something which made my understanding more clear.
I saw a man giving some money and food to the mother, an as she took the money, her face was shining as if she was the happiest person in the world, and why not, she could now feed her baby at least for the day. That smile on her face made me wonder that if she can be happy, with her condition in life, then why the normal people like us struggle to find that happiness.
Actually in life happiness does not depend on luck, happiness is just a choice which is completely in your hands. You can be happy in any situation, people even with lots and lots of money are unhappy just because they chose to be. Happiness comes from loving and caring, the mother was happy just because she got food for her baby.
Its amazing how one real observation can change your life. I felt like I was directly in contact with my spirit, as if my soul got united with the soul of the world , and all I could feel was happiness. Life has a lot to offer if you observe very closely. One who observes, can understand the language of the world, and can also discover real happiness.
Nothing can stand between you and your happiness if you choose to be happy. Everybody in this world
deserves to be happy and it does not depends on your financial status or your physical condition, it depends only on you. As I reached home, I decided to first be happy and then do the rest of my work. It was easier than I thought it would be.
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