Write a story on perception of space, depth and distance
hkzfhmDHm, kdhakdykjwfjgjgncnvz
Space perception, process through which humans and other organisms become aware of the relative positions of their own bodies and objects around them. Space perception provides cues, such as depth and distance, that are important for movement and orientation to the environment.
Human beings have been interested in the perception of objects in space at least since antiquity. It was popularly thought in ancient Greece that objects could be seen because they emitted what was imagined to be a continuous series of extremely thin “membranes” in their own image; these fell upon the eye and merged into the picture that was perceived.
Centuries of experimental research led to a more tenable conception in which space was described in terms of three dimensions or planes: height (vertical plane), width (horizontal plane), and depth (sagittal plane). These planes all intersect at right angles, and their single axis of intersection is defined as being located within perceived three-dimensional space—that is, in the “eye” of the perceiving individual. Humans do not ordinarily perceive a binocular space (a separate visual world from each eye) but instead see a so-called Cyclopean space, as if the images from each eye fuse to produce a single visual field akin to that of Cyclops, a one-eyed giant in Greek mythology. The horizontal, vertical, and sagittal planes divide space into various sectors: something is perceived as “above” or “below” (the horizontal plane), as “in front of” or “behind” (the vertical plane), or as “to the right” or “to the left” (of the sagittal plane).
The Cyclopean system of projection. The images of the points F, A, and B on the two retinas are transposed to the retina of a hypothetical eye midway between the two.
The Cyclopean system of projection. The images of the points F, A, and B on the two retinas are transposed to the retina of a hypothetical eye midway between the two.