English, asked by vidhi04mar, 6 months ago

Write a story which ends with the line : "Thus the guilty men were caught in trap" with a suitable title

Hints :-

Thieves stole a heap of cotton - no trace found - a man said : "Hold a feast, I shall catch the thieves" - feast held - a large number of men invited - in the middle of the feast - the man shouted, "Cotton is still sticking to the beards of the thieves" - Two men put their hands to their beards - the trap


Answered by Anonymous

⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The cotton thieves

I was carrying a full bag of cotton when suddenly I fell down and two unknown people took away my bag hastily leaving me doubtful about their identity . It has been first time since someone stole something from me so I was truly very much serious regarding this matter . When I went home without my bag , my mother scolded me for being careless . Father called the police and pleaded them to catch those thieves as soon as possible since those set of cotton were of special quality and beared some special characteristics . My father holder a strong position in the field of administration so the police were determined strongly to find those snitch. The police informed that some same cases took place with many others and they were not only stealing things but also attend marriages and feasts disguised as guests to steal away many precious things . At the mean time I came across an unique and intelligent way of catching hold of those thieves . I requested my father to arrange a grand feast where all our neighbors would come and eat freely and then those two will also come and finally we can catch hold of them . My father did so. When all the guests and neighbors started arriving I could not recognise the faces of those unknown persons as their faces were covered but then suddenly I shouted and said " I saw those two disguised thieves and cotton is still sticking on their beards " . To save their lives the actual thieves put their hands on their beards to remove the cotton and I saw them at that moment and made them arrested by the police . Thus the guilty men were caught in my trap .


Answered by abhinav19190


once open a time there was two man lived in there they are very poor man they want to maked a soft toys to sold them and get some money from them

they have see there was heap was of cooton and they both have think and after some time they have think to stole them and they both Thieves to stole a heap of cooton there was no clue and no treace found in there

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