English, asked by tharun491, 9 months ago

Write a story with ending "i will never tell lie again"
Write down the story ending with the line ...And thus I realize I shall never tell lies again


Answered by jefferson7




I had planned to tell her the truth. I knew that she would not understand.

She was always complaining about one thing or the other. Could she really handle the truth? What would her friends and family think about the baby?

She had always said I was different and that I was not of this world. She did not know however how close she was to the truth.

I had initially thought of telling her the truth but I found myself lying. Humans say that honesty is the best policy.  I am an alien being, a reptilian in fact.

How do you begin telling humans that you are from another world?

I told her that the baby she was carrying was not mine. Only after I returned to my world she would finally realize the truth.

Her emotional breakdown made me reconsider everything. The baby was ours, and we would protect him at any cost.

And thus I realize I shall never tell lies again

Answered by Anonymous

Once upon a time, there was a king who liked entertainment. One day, he summoned his ministers into the palace and said to them: "Each of you tells a lie. If I do n’t believe it is a lie, throw him in the river ; If I believe that is a lie, I will give him a thousand gold coins. "

As soon as the king's words fell, a minister stepped forward and said, "When I ate watermelon yesterday, my wallet fell off my belt and fell into the watermelon hole I just cut. I reached in and wanted to take out my wallet, but I could n’t touch it anyway. I stretched my arm in, but I still could n’t touch it. Later, I reached in, but I still could n’t see where the wallet was. I also Digged into the upper half of the body, and still didn't see the wallet. Finally, I simply got into the whole body, and I accidentally fell down, and kept falling, falling ... "

At this moment, the king said: "I believe what you said. Because the watermelon is slippery, when a person falls, he has to fall down."

The minister immediately said, "My king, I haven't finished speaking yet! I kept falling into a pond and found that the pond turned out to be a drop of sweat on the eyebrows of the giant. Suddenly, the wind blew, and I was taken from his eyebrow Blowing into his hair, I saw a few fleas like horses. After riding the fleas through the forest, I came to a desert, where a girl was confined in a castle in the middle of the desert, and she called me out loud. , Want to ask me to rescue her. "

The king said, "I believe everything you say, because the confined girls usually call for help."

But the minister said, "I still have something to say! I entered the castle and found an elephant there, a four-year-old steer in the belly of the elephant, and a steer in the belly of the steer A sheep, there is a chicken in the belly of the sheep, and in the belly of the chicken, I found the wallet I lost! "

The king said, "I believe everything you say, haven't you been looking for your wallet? Therefore, now I should throw you into the muddy pond."

Before he had finished speaking, people shoved the minister and threw him into the river. When he climbed out of the river, the silk official clothes he wore were stained with black and smelly mud.

Some ministers are laughing at him, and some people are afraid of such a result, because the king even believes that such bizarre lies are true!

Now it was the other minister's turn to lie. He said: "I went to a market yesterday, I saw a beautiful maid, she was wearing silk and gold silk clothes, wearing gold and pearl jewelry. I asked to buy this maid together with her wear price is How much? The businessman said that only half a gold coin. I gave him a gold coin, but he said that she gave me a gift as a gift without any change. "The king said," I believe all of these, because under normal circumstances, Businessmen often have a lot of whole money and lack change. "

The minister immediately said, "I took this beautiful maid to a palace in a beautiful garden. I asked the master how much the palace would cost, and the master said that it only costs half a gold coin."

The king said, "I believe that when there is no buyer, the price must fall."

However, the minister exchanged: "King, I haven't finished yet! I gave the owner a gold coin and said to him: I don't have any change, please sell the remaining half of the coin to me. He I was given a thousand beautiful male slaves, a thousand beautiful female slaves, a thousand horses and a thousand bags of ambergris, a car of peaches, a large boat of apricots, a thousand sheep and a boat of walnuts ... "

Before the minister had finished speaking, the king said, "I fully believe this. Come here! Throw him into the river!" So the minister was also stinky.

At this moment, another minister stood up, saluted the king and said, "Oh, my king, listen to my story now. I tell you a fact, not a lie. Last night, I lay on my bed Fell asleep."

The king said, "I totally believe this."

The minister continued: "I woke up after sleeping for an hour because there was a shadow of a dead man standing beside my song. I was very surprised. I recognized him as your father. He said I was the most outstanding person in the world He also ordered me to ask you for 100,000 gold coins, saying that you will definitely agree. "

The king immediately said, "You are lying! I don't believe it!"

So, this minister not only was not thrown into the river, but also got a thousand gold coins.

  • Minister's Last words were : "i will never tell lie again".

The End.

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