English, asked by Priyanshu842, 1 year ago

Write a summary of this poem
(Answers as soon as possible)



Answered by haseenaakbar75


The poem deals with perfect life.The perfect life does not mean age long life like bulky oak tree.A lily flower blooms for a day but it fills the time with sheer beauty.So life should be balanced and beautiful whereas it may be for a shorter span of time.Greatness is not growing in size but in activeness and beauty.The perfect life of an individual is always praise worthy.Virtues and good qualities are always praised.The message of the poem is really unique.

Meaning of poem:

The first and last two lines state the proposition that the value of someone's life, or the actions they have committed throughout it, should not be measured by their vastness or extremity, but instead, humankind should try to find value in small things that are beautiful and pure. The intervening six lines match this proposition by contrasting two images that exemplify this idea. The image of the oak tree refers to the obvious choice for something great, but the line : "it is not growing like a tree" - shows that that may not be the accurate choice. Although the oak seems all-powerful and mighty, it offers no benefit to anything but itself, until it "to fall a log at last" and can be used for lumber. This could reference a person who could have seemed outwardly great during their life, but didn't share their wealth to help others, so the only thing they really did of value was their dying. Harsh, I know, but somewhat true. In contrast, the lily, which exemplifies purity and quiet beauty, offers beauty and happiness to others around it. Although its life is short lived, it offers more value that the 300 year old oak tree because its existence benefited others, rather than selfishly keeping everything for itself.



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