English, asked by amit572, 1 year ago

write about all the poetic device which is used in english literature


Answered by Brainly100
Hii Mate here is your Answer,

● What is a poetic Device?

Poetic devices are the tools used by the poets in the poem to create rhythm, enhance a poems meaning  or intensify a mood or feeling. 

● What are the different kinds of Poetic Devices?

The different types of poetic devices are explained below :

1. Aliteration and Assonance

The aliteration means repeatation of same sounds. i.e. Alliteration is . The repetition of initial consonant sounds.

Assonance is the repeatation of same vowls.
e.g. The rat
get in to the hat.

Here rat and hat are alliteation.


Words or phrases that appeal to any sense or any combination of senses. It creates a sense of imaginations.

e.g. The flowers are dancing.

Here ' Dancing'

3. Metaphor and Simile.

Metaphor and Simile both refers simulation.
An another way of observing things or point out the Characters.

But difference between Simile and Metaphor is that Simile uses the words like - 'like' , 'same as' , 'similar to' etc. But Metaphor doesnot use these words.

E.g. The life is a highway . - Metaphor
Creeping like a snail. - Simile


It is the conversion of non living or Natural things in to living as if the narrator itself is that object.

e.g. I flows down from hills.

Here 'I' refers Brook or small river. Poet himself telling as a Brook.


It refers to the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named

e.g. cuckoo, zig zag, dazzling etc.

☆☆☆ Hope this helps you a lot ☺ ☆☆☆

Anonymous: nice answer....!! ^_^
Answered by Anonymous

\huge\mathbb{\underline{Answer —}}



The various literary devices used in English Literature are :-

  • Alliteration, Analogy, Allegory, Anaphora, Metaphor, Simile, Aphorism, Oxymoron, Onomatopoeia, Eulogy, Elegy, and others.

  • Alliteration: It is the device in which a number of words, having the same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series.
  • Example- He had a haunting hat.

  • Analogy: It is the comparison of an idea or a thing with another. Metaphors and similes are used to draw analogies. A metaphor is an implied comparison while a simile is a direct comparison using the words “like” or “As”.
  • Example- Her cheeks are like roses.

  • Anaphora: Repetition of a phrase or a word leads to the understanding of anaphora.
  • Example- All that wealth, All that power.

  • Aphorism: Aphoristic statements refer to the wisdom-filled statements and speeches often given by the poets in their poems or the essayist in their prose piece. Francis Bacon often used such witty aphoristic statements.

  • Oxymoron: A figure of speech in which nearly contradictory terms appear in conjunction. Example: Beautiful death.

  • Onomatopoeia: It means the imitation of the sound.
  • Example: The rustling of leaves.

  • Eulogy: It is used to praise somebody or something, especially when one is dead.

  • Elegy: It is a song or a poem with a lamenting tone that expresses the loss of a family member or a loved person.
  • Example- Elegy Written In the Country Churchyard.

  • Conceit: It is a device in which two vastly different objects are linked together.
  • Example: Motion in the mill is busy standing still.

  • Hyperbole: It involves an exaggeration of ideas.
  • Example- The mistress’ eyes are lustrous as the sun.


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