write about any two renewable sources of energy
The Correct Answer is mentioned below
Renewable energy, often known as clean energy, is derived from natural sources or processes that are renewed on a regular basis. Sunlight and wind, for example, continue to shine and blow despite the fact that their availability is dependent on time and weather.
Solar Energy- For thousands of years, humans have used solar energy to raise crops, remain warm, and dry foods. "More energy from the sun falls on the earth in one hour than is used by everyone on the planet in a year," according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The sun's rays are now used in a variety of ways, including to heat houses and businesses, to warm water, and to power electronics.
Wind energy has gone a long way since the days of old-fashioned windmills. Turbines the size of skyscrapers, with turbines about the same diameter, stand at attention around the world today. The blades of a turbine are turned by wind energy, which feeds an electric generator and produces electricity.
1) Sunlight.
- Solar panels provide renewable electricity.
- One of the most plentiful and readily available energy sources on our planet is sunlight.
- In one hour, more solar energy reaches the earth's surface than the planet's whole annual energy needs.
- Although it appears to be an ideal renewable energy source, the quantity of solar energy we can utilize depends on the time of day, season of the year, and geographic location.
- Solar energy is becoming more popular in the United Kingdom as a means to augment your energy use.
- Read our solar power guide to see if it's the correct choice for you.
2) Energy from the wind
- Wind farm for renewable energy
- Wind is a renewable energy source that is abundant.
- Wind farms are becoming more common in the United Kingdom, as wind energy contributes more and more to the National Grid.
- Turbines operate generators, which pump power onto the National Grid, allowing wind energy to be harnessed.
- Despite the fact that residential or "off-grid" generating solutions are available, not every home is appropriate for a domestic wind turbine.
- On our wind power page, you may learn more about it.