Write about james joules.
James Prescott Joule was an outstandingBritish physicist. He is best known for his research in electricity and thermodynamics. Amongst other things, he formulated a law James Prescott Joule for the heating (1818-1889) effect of electric current. He also verified experimentally the law of conservation of energy and discovered the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat. The unit of energy and work called joule, is named after him.
#Hope it helps❤
A native of England, Joule was born on December 24, 1818, in Salford, Lancashire. His family was quite wealthy due to the success of the family brewery business. As a teenager, Joule began studying with the renowned chemist John Dalton at the University of Manchester, but a sudden change for the worse in Dalton’s health prematurely ended the tutelage. Despite their short time together, Dalton’s emphasis on quantitative experiments had a lasting effect on Joule’s scientific techniques. Joule continued his education under the guidance of John Davis, who co-founded the Royal Victoria Gallery for the Encouragement and Illustration of Practical Science.