Math, asked by smartgirl2334, 7 months ago

Write about specification and saponification


Answered by Anonymous

1. saponification means process of preperation of soap and esterification means process of preperation esters.

2. saponification involves reaction between carboxylic acid and a base whereas esterification involves reaction between alcohol and carboxylic acid.

3.esterification needs  as a catalyst whereas saponification do not need.

there are only 3 differences

Answered by Anonymous


\bf\Huge\red{\mid{\overline{\underline{ ANSWER }}}\mid }



write about a esterification and saponification


\Large\fbox{\color{purple}{ SOLUTION }}


  • when carboxylic acid reacts with alcohol in presence of concentrated sulphuric acid to form Easter this reaction is called esterification


\small\mathcal\blue{CH_{3}COOH + C_{2}H_{5}OH \longrightarrow\: CH_{3}COOC_{2}H_{5} +H_{2} O}


  • when easter is heated with sodium hydroxide solution it gets hydrolysed to form the corresponding alcohol and sodium salt of the carboxylic acid .this alkaline hydrolysis of esters is known as saponification as it is used in the preparation of soap


\small\mathcal\blue{CH_{3}COOC_{2}H_{5}+ NaOH \longrightarrow\: CH_{3}COONa + C_{2}H_{5}OH}


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