Write about the Lacustrine Plains.
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Lacustrine Plains (or lake plains) are lakes that get filled by incoming sediment. Over time, the water may drain from the lake, leaving the deposited sediments behind. This can be caused by natural drainage, evaporation or other geophysicalprocesses.
The soil of the plain left behind may constitute fertile and productive farm land, due to the previous accumulation of lacustrine sediments. In other cases it may become a wetland or a desert.
The topography of Southern Indiana reflects a system of complex lacustrine plains. An ice sheet during the Illinoianstage changed drainage patterns in the area and formed a series of proglacial lakes. One of the more distinct lakes in this series was Lake Quincy, named for Quincy, Indiana. As the ice sheet withdrew, these lakes disappeared leaving behind the lacustrine plains that are still preserved today. Quincy Lake, in particular, left 30 to 40 foot deep sediments, ranging in composition from gravels to silts.[1]
Other examples of lacustrine plains include The Kashmir Valley of India, the Imphal basin in the Manipur hills and the watershed of the Red River of the North in the USA and Canada.
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Lacustrine Plains:
- Lacustrine plain is an area created out of deposition largely due to the past existence of the lake. Impoundment of water by glaciations or other processes results in varying origins of these plains. They are one of the fastest forming landforms.
- Due to the diverse pattern of weather that results in varying evaporation rate leads to formation of lakes found in that particular plain. These lands are formed by the deposition of sediments of existence lakes.
- The underlying soil is well sorted. It is devoid of coarse particles like gravels. It is categorised by depositions that results in multiple thin layers that happen annually over the land.
Learn more about Lacustrine Plain
Difference between lacustrine plains and drift plains
What is lacustrine plain
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