write about the trade and commerce in late mauryan period
Great advances and specialization had been reached in metallurgy, glass manufacture, architecture, sculpture, weaving, carpentry, ironsmithy, making arms, dye making, fishing etc. The post-Mauryan period saw remarkable progress made in the crafts of weaving silk and cloth making.
The State had a special responsibility in the matter of Trade. Its revenue depended upon a profitable disposal of the vast quantities of various goods which were constantly accumulating in its hands in its factories and workshops under circumstances described. The State thus became the biggest trader in the country, and had to control its entire trade to safe-guard its own interests. The control of trade was based on the State control of Prices.
The system of control was based on certain inevitable provisions. Goods could not be sold at the place of their origin, field, or factory. They were to be carried to the appointed markets (panya-sala) where the dealer had to declare particulars as to the quantity, quality and the prices of his goods, which were examined and registered in the books. Every trader had to get a license for sale. A trader from outside had to obtain a passport in addition.