English, asked by sameer143abdullah, 7 hours ago

Write adialogue between a teacher and a student and critically evaluate and discuss effectiveness of online education system within the context covid 19
Write a dialogue between a teacher and student and critically evaluate and discuss effectiveness of online education system within the context covid 19


Answered by Shaizakincsem

The dialogue writing between a teacher and a student about the online education system I covid will be as given below.


  • Teacher: The situation getting worse about the covid and especially about the education.

  • Student: Yes, and to be honest we don't get everything on the online classes.

  • Teacher: We can understand as we can not interact with students as we can in the class.

  • Student: Yes there are a lot of things that we learn in person with the teacher and other class fellows.

  • Teacher: We totally understand but due to the recent situation we have to deal with it.

  • Student: Yes that's the only solution we can have right now.
Answered by hussain152436


Student: Hello sir! How are you?  

Teacher: Hi! I’m good. What about you? I am very glad to see you back.

Student: I am good too, sir. Yes, we are really excited to continue our education on campus. It has been difficult studying online during the pandemic.

Teacher: I can understand well. It was a new experience and a challenge for both teachers and students. But what matters is how much we learned because what good are challenges if we don’t learn from them?  

Student: Yes! Well, the biggest challenge was the lack of interaction and group work. Because I believe that studying is only half of education. The other half is learning to work cooperatively and understanding the people around you.  

Teacher: Well said! But thanks to technology, we were able to minimize the loss. I wonder how our education is going to be affected by the continuous rise of technology. No doubt, this pandemic will be a case study for our policymakers.

Student: Actually, I was thinking about this recently. We will ultimately have to switch to new modes of education or making a hybrid of old and new teaching methodologies.  

Teacher: You’re right! This process may take time but going digital is our future. The age of industrialization is now history. We are in the information age where change is the only constant. And only online education will make it possible to help us keep up with the world.

Student: Absolutely right! But sir, we know that students felt disengaged with their studies during the COVID pandemic and many became careless. How can we tackle this?

Teacher: That’s a good point. Its root lies in the lack of passion in students. We can solve this by making students accountable and inspiring them to learn new skills on their own.  

Student: Yes, I actually enjoyed my online learning as I had more control over my time-table. I could do things at my own pace, and it saved a lot of my time. Moreover, I could re-take my lectures when needed as we had saved recordings of all.  

Teacher: Having flexibility always increases our performance and productivity. I’m glad you learned this. Everyone has their own learning style. Online education is a personalized education, meeting the demands of every student. Hence, it increases efficiency.  

Student: But sir! We know that many students turned to cheating and inappropriate means during assignments and exams. And that undervalued those students who actually worked hard despite every difficulty. How can we avoid this then?

Teacher: You already told me that education is both intellectual and moral development. When students will find purpose in education, they will never cheat.  

Student: Health is another issue. My parents were really concerned that I was spending my whole days in front of the screen. And I too had difficulty adjusting to it. While technology may make us efficient, it also compromises our health.  

Teacher: That is sadly true.  

Student: Moreover, students felt like the whole education has gone abstract. We could not perform a single experiment during the whole online tenure, which resulted in us having difficulty grasping important concepts.  

Teacher: Oh! I totally agree to this. Without experimentation, there is no true understanding.

Student: It seems to me that the cons exceed the pros.  

Teacher: Remember I once shared a file with your class, included video lectures, scholarly articles, and online references for your assignment.

Student: Yes sir! That greatly helped us. In fact, we learned more than we do from our usual assignments.  

Teacher: That means the cons may exceed the pros right now, but the pros are certainly heavier.

Student: Seems true.

Teacher: Discuss it with other students and teachers. That will help you to broaden your horizon and deepen your understanding. But the point remains the same: the future of education is making a hybrid of traditional ways and technology.  

Student: Thank you very much, Sir! That was really nice discussing it with you. See you later. Bye!

Teacher: Bye!


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