write all commands of html
wrong answer will be reported
Answer:bro it is saying that there are link of anapropraite website an saying that answer is too long i know all commands but this is not allowing them here
An attribute value must be quoted if it contains any character other than letters (A-Za-z), digits, hyphens, and periods; use quotes if in doubt.
Here is an example:
NONE in the "value" field below means that one can use the attribute without a value.
HTML commands:
<a>, </a>
purpose: anchor, for links and labels
Attribute Values Meaning Remarks
href URL address of link
name text label of this position in the file
target name_of_frame frame in which the link should be rendered
These items might be case-sensitive!
If the named frame does not exist, the link is rendered in a new window (unless overridden by the user).
_self is useful for overriding a BASE TARGET
_blank renders the link in a new, unnamed window
_parent renders the link in the immediate FRAMESET parent
_top renders the link in the full, unframed window
_self renders the link in the current frame
purpose: inline image
example: <img src="../picture.jpg" height="20%" alt="campus map">
Attribute Values Meaning Remarks
src URL source file
height number, percentage pixel size, % of page height
width number, percentage pixel size, % of page width
alt text show if no image
align top, middle, bottom, left, right deprecated, use <br clear> instead
border number size in pixels border="0" means no border
<br />
purpose: line break
Attribute Values Meaning Remarks
clear left, all, right, NONE clear floating objects
<p>, <p/>
purpose: new paragraph
Attribute Values Meaning Remarks
align left, center, right, justify deprecated; horizontal alignment
<hr />
purpose: horizontal rule
example: <hr noshade size="2" width="50%" align="center" />
Attribute Values Meaning Remarks
noshade solid line
size number height in pixels
align center, left, right
width number, percentage pixels, % of page-width
fonts & co.
purpose: use a particular font, select size, heading etc.
Tag and endtag Effect, Meaning Remarks
<font>, </font> see below
<pre>, </pre>
creates a separate paragraph
spaces and line-breaks matter
<h1>, </h1>
level-one heading
headings create a separate paragraph
levels go from 1 (largest) to 6 (smallest)
<h6>, </h6>
level-six heading
<i>, </i> italic text
<b>, </b> bold text
<tt>, </tt> teletype text
<em>, </em> emphasis
<strong>, </strong> strong emphasis
<cite>, </cite> citation
<big>, </big> big text
<small>, </small> small text
<sub>, </sub> subscript
<sup>, </sup> superscript
<u>, </u> underline deprecated; use cite or strong
<s>, </s> strike-through text deprecated
<strike>, </strike> strike-through text better supported than <s>; deprecated
<code>, </code> computer code use it to stress the meaning of the text
<del>, </del> deleted text not implemented yet; preferred to <strike>
<font>, </font>
purpose: change font size, color, type etc.
example: <font size="+1" color="red">larger red words</font>
remark: a better way to achive this is using style sheets
Attribute Values Meaning Remarks
size 1, ..., 7 specifies size to be used default starting size is 3
-3, ..., +3 changes size from that previously in use
color red, #FF00FF value or word to describe color Color attribute values give a color definition. The value can be any hexadecimal number, specified according to the sRGB color space, or one of sixteen color names. Hexadecimal numbers must be prefixed by a "#" character. Here is a list of colors.
face specifies list of fonts to be used (in order of preference) the browser will use the first one available from the list
there are three types of lists:
ordered lists: <ol>, </ol>
the elements of the list are introduced by <li> (list item)
the end tag </li> is not optional
to change the current label to 30, use <li value="30">
unordered lists: <ul>, </ul>
the elements of the list are introduced by <li> (list item)
the end tag </li> is not optional
definition lists: <dl>, </dl>
the elements of the list are pairs term-definition introduced by
<dt> (definition term)
<dd> (definition definition)
the end tags </dt> and </dd> are not optional
lists can be nested
Type of list How it looks HTML code
Ordered List
first item
second item
third item, but we want it to have label 33
next item; note the label
<li> first item </li>
<li> second item </li>
<li value="33"> third item, but we want it to have label
33 </li>
<li> next item; note the label </li>
Unordered List
first item
second item
<li> first item </li>
<li> second item </li>
Definition List