Write all the formulae related to mensuration .
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Formulas of MensurationArea of Square:
A = a2
AAreaasidePerimeter of Square:
P = 4 × a
PPerimeterasidePerimeter of the Rectangle:
P= 2 × ( L+B)
PPerimeterLLengthBBreadthArea of the rectangle:
A= L× B
AAreaLLengthBBreadthSurface area of a cube:
S = 6 × A2
SThe surface area of a cubeALength of the side of a cubeSurface Area of a Cuboid:
S =2 × (LB + BH + HL)
SSurface Area of CuboidLLength of CuboidBBreadth of CuboidHHeight of CuboidSurface Area of a Cylinder:
S= 2 × π × R × (R+H)
SSurface Area of CylinderRThe radius of Circular BaseHHeight of CylinderSurface Area of a Sphere:
S =4 × π × R2
SSurface Area of SphereRRadius of SphereSurface Area of a Right circular cone:
S = π × r(l+r)
SSurface Area of ConeRThe radius of Circular BaseLSlant Height of Cone
Volume of a cube:
V = A3
VVolume of cubeAside of cubeVolume of Cuboid:
V = L × B × H
VVolume of CuboidLLength of CuboidBBreadth of CuboidHHeight of CuboidVolume of a Cylinder:
V= π × R2 × H
Mensuration is the branch of mathematics which deals with the study of Geometric shapes, their area, volume and related parameters. This formulas is also knows as “Heron's formula”. Where a = length of two equal side , b= length of base of isosceles triangle.