Write an application to the principle of your school reqesting him to make arrangement for some more furniture for the classroom. Also give your resons for your demand
Elm Avenue
Mathura - 424233
6 /5/2020
The principal,
Adams public school,
Mathura - 423244
Respected principal,
I am writing this letter to inform you that class 9A has a very bad furniture set up.
We request you to change the furniture in our class. The tables and chairs of our class are in a bad condition. The screws of tables are out and wood of the tables are broken. The broken edges are so sharp that they can cause hurt to students. Whenever some students try to sit, we fall down. Also, the teacher's table is quite small and they aren't able to keep many books, papers and laptop. Thus, the change in furniture is required urgently.
I am writing this letter on behalf of all the students and teachers. Looking for the change soon. We would be thankful if you do the needful.
Thank you,