English, asked by nandkumar4144, 5 months ago

write an appreciation of the given poem in about 12to15sentence with the help of the following point The poem of tansen


Answered by doeblerj2387

Answer:   Hey mate!

Here's your answer!!




〟Appreciation generally means enjoying what someone has done and appreciating them. In poems, appreciation describes the poetry and some of the interesting events that have taken place in the poetry. People enjoy reading poems.


Let's get some knowledge about Tansen before getting on to the topic. Everyone knows who Tansen was, it's a very well known name! He was the one who used to sing in times of Akbar and birbal. He was also one of the “navratnas” 【Nine gems】of Akbar.

When Tansen was a child, he was very much fond of doing mimicry. When he used to do mimicry, he used to tease people who went from the way. And one day, when a Guruji named Swami Haridas was passing from there, he saw that tansen was doing his mimicry in his voice. He felt so happy that he made Tansen his disciple. He then taught music to Tansen and gave him the knowledge about music for 10 long years. This is how the musical journey of Tansen began.

We know that there are raga's in earlier classical music. So, there were two most famous raag's in that time, the 【Deepak Raga】& the 【Malhar Raga】. The Deepak Raga was generally sung to produce fire as it indicates from the name and so was the Malhar Raag, used to produce water in order to put of fire. When Tansen uses to sing the Deepak Raga, it produced fire and the plants and trees started some kind of movement, like they used to swing. Generally Malhar Raag is mostly sung today. So, Tansen used to create all this environment like fire and water by his singing.

And then, as the time passed, Tansen became very much famous that emperor Akbar thought to meet this person and called him to sing in his court. By the first singing of Tansen, Akbar was impressed and gave him a lot of coins and then made him one of the nine gems. Tansen was one of those 9 talented gems.



❥ Now, it's time for the required appreciation of the poem. We include a lot of things in the appreciation which give us full information about the poem. The appreciation is as follows....

〟【TITLE】- Tansen

〟【AUTHOR】- Hazrat Inayat Khan

〟【RHYMING SCHEME】- The rhyming scheme in this poem is AA, BB, CC, DD...

Let me explain...In rhyming scheme, we see the last word of the sentence, like...

(One stanza from the poem)

“Tansen the singer, in great Akbar's 【Court】 ”

“Won great renown; through the Badshahi 【fort】”

Here, Court and Fort are similar sounding words so they are given A, A.

Similarly if we have other two words, like bells & tells, these two words are also similar, but not similar to (court and fort), so they are given other letter, that is B, B.

〟【FAVOURITE LINE】- Ah no, to thee I sing; he sings to God. (write on your own opinion)

(This is my favourite line as the climax was hidden here at the last at it was the last line of the poem) What's yours?

〟【THEME】- This poem is a kind of story describes the appreciation that Akbar gave to Tansen for his singing. Then he meets Tansen's teacher and the the end of the poem, the climax reveals as Tansen says, I sing for people and my teacher sings for God, which shows the bonding of a student (disciple) with his teacher (guru).

〟【FIGURE OF SPEECH】- Repetition.

There are a lot of other figures of speech in the poem but here we will take one only by considering the last line (mentioned above).

In the last line we have 2 same words, sing and sings. So, it's repetition.

〟【MORAL】- It shows the bonding of a student with his teacher. And the (poem) story is represented very logically and is simple to understand.

〟【I LIKE/ DON'T LIKE】- I like this poem because it is represented and shown in the form of a story which makes it more understandable. (Here, you should write your own opinion)


“The best teacher teaches from the heart ♥, not from the book. ”


✌ ✌ ✌

✪ Be Brainly ✪

Explanation:   mark me brainly please see you later mate

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