Write an article of 150-200 words on child labour.
According to one estimate, there are over 82 lakh child labours in India. Such children are denied opportunities for growth, development, learning, Healthcare, recreation and deprived of much-needed love to step into the world of adult work with child wages. Hard long answer of labour demolishes the children's world of imagination and kills their creativity by thrusting them into a mechanised way of life. It chokes their mental and physical growth. Their tender mind can hardly with stand with the workload they are subjected to. And the result is disastrous. Soon they start suffering from diseases like asthama, tuberculosis, etc. Some child workers even start taking country liquid and other drugs to ward of exhaustion. Their disturbed childhood also drives them to crime. The whole system, the equitable social economic political Ambience is responsible for the plight of children. They are being punished not for any fault of theirs but for that of their elders.

Child labour is forbidden in most countries. Its Means the employment of children in any work that deprives children of theirchildhood with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally and physically both dangerous for them. It is a cognizable criminal offense.
Its causes the global economy intensifies the effects of some factors, Poverty and unemployment levels are high and etc.
Many of these children are forced to work at young ages due to many family factors such as unemployment, a large number of family members, poverty, and lack of parental education.
Being compulsorily required to perform educational labour is indicative of how in modern societies children are owned and in slavery, not just of the de facto kind, but also of the de jure kind.