write an article on "Animal poaching
small essay actually....
Poaching and Hunting of India's Majestic Wild Animals. ... Its an environmental crime against the natural resources,illegal hunting of wildlife for animal products such as ivory, horn, teeth,skin and bone...
✒️Animal poaching means killing of animals illegally for various purposes. Animal poaching is a very worst thing that can't be imagine. It is a cruel act that can lead to destruction of animals. It causes unbalancing of ecosystem and threat to animals. Poaching is done just for fun, to show off that they have collected skin of animals. Due to this many animals are being endangered and some of them become extinct such as rhino is killed for its horn and due to this it lead to extinction of rhino. Tigers are the another example. Poachers may also hunt animals on private properties such as in wildlife Sanctuaries. A poacher's main aim is to gain more profit without seeing the loss of ecosystem. As you can see this has an heavy effect of the environment, poaching must be stopped. All the poachers must understand this and stop their act.