English, asked by singhanshdeep846, 2 months ago

write an article on being responsible​


Answered by darp2722


If you’ve agreed to do something, just do it.

When you let down your friends, family, or colleagues, they’ll soon stop believing in you. You’re only taken seriously when you actually follow through on your commitments. If you’ve never really made a commitment before, give it a try. It doesn’t matter if its writing for your school’s newsletter or joining a sports team, committing to it helps you learn to care for things other than yourself, and as a pleasant side effect it will train you in sticking to a routine, which will make you more effective in every other aspect of your life.

Be consistent.

Responsibility means nothing if you constantly over and under-do it. This means building schedules and routines that work for you. Responsibility doesn’t mean cramming for an exam for 8 hours, and then not touching your textbook for another month. A responsible person will spend an hour or so, looking over their notes every day. The same goes with your friends, don’t call them every day when you need advice, and then drop off the radar for a month. Bring consistency into every aspect of your life and you’ll be much happier.

Never place the blame.

Take full accountability for the actions you have made, and never claim that it is anyone else’s fault except your own. By doing this, you are actually giving the world a message, that you’re in control of every part of your life. It wasn’t the traffics fault you were late to work, you simply didn’t leave your house early enough. In line with this, life isn’t always fair. Some people have a rougher time than others, but they will never be able to get off their course until they own up to the actions they are taking themselves, and try to make a change.

Don’t be a complainer.

Talking negatively about every interaction in your life won’t get you far, especially once you get a reputation for the one who is always complaining about the boss, the weather, or even the ridiculous price of gas. This is another way that people blame the world. Sure, you can’t change the price of gas, but everyone has the same problem. If it really bugs you buy a bicycle and ride to work. If you stop yourself every time you’re about to make a negative comment and say something positive, people will change the way they look at you. This course is an excellent help if you’re struggling with this, enabling you to reclaim your positive attitude.

Don’t give an excuse.

Similar to the above, in any situation there is always factors outside of our control. An irresponsible person claims these are the reason the task failed, but what you’re really doing is saying you haven’t been responsible. The most common form excuses take is “I would have, but…” Pay attention to how you speak, and start taking responsibility. The next time you start to make an excuse, simply admit why you didn’t get the task done. Perhaps you wanted to do something more fun, or were simply too tired. A responsible person admits the real reasons why they haven’t done something.

Answered by anuragojha47


Being responsible refers to our ability to make decisions that serve our own interests and the interests of others. We first need to be responsible for ourselves before we can be responsible for others. In learning to be more responsible it is important that we know our limitations. It does not matter how smart we are, there is only so much responsibility that a person can handle. It is also important to remember that we are not responsible for things that are out of our control, for example, how other people feel or how they react to ourselves or others. Sharing responsibility for both success and failure can lead to increased responsibility to oneself and others.

When you hear the word "responsibility," what do you think of first? Many people think of the word BLAME, as in, "Whose responsibility is this?" I think of responsibility as seizing what's in front of you, exerting choice, and taking control. The real meaning of responsibility is the ability to respond. It's going out and creating what you want through personal choices. The responsibility that each of us has is that we are completely, 100% responsible for how our lives turn out. If you think that being responsible at all times is too hard or too easy, think again; the truth falls somewhere in between. Being responsible involves having some skills, a caring and open attitude, and a good sense of what we can and cannot do.

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