English, asked by Ps3p, 1 year ago

write an article on ....changing value system and need for re-orientation

or please answer me what to do


Answered by happytherock
ndia is badly in need of Value Based Education and Teaching System which inculcates among the young students values that they need to imbibe and embalm within them.

Value based education imparts social, moral, integrity, character, spirituality and many more. It builds the qualities of humility, strength and honesty in a person. They become better citizens of a country. People with high ethical values will never cheat others. People are taught to co-operate with each other. They make their life happier and works hard to make others happy.

Our history and mythology taught us of excellent values education. We, the Indians, talk loud of our cultural heritage, we talk a lot of the characters of Ram, Krishna, Raja Harishchandra, Sita, Savitri and for that matter many more, Buddha, Mahavir, Kabir, Raidas, Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramanujan. Good that India have these great men—god heads and godly as a part of our heritage. We have not to go out anywhere to seek for ideals. We have them all in our mythology and history. But what is needed is that they be not decorations on our walls but should be a source of enlightenment within. And how would that enlightenment come—from where and in what form?

Value Based Education is the only means which can give to our young the right direction. There is need for Value based Education System in India.

We all discuss about high values and integrity, but it is the time for value based action. Anyone who stands on a pulpit to speak to the audience is found to talk of high principles, or moral conduct, of spiritual and cultural heritage of our country. Good that they do it but in actuality we are coming across so many scams which smear the face of the nation black. And it is our leaders—those who were given or were invested with the charge of governing the nation have been found to be involved in these scams, are in and out of jail, released on bail and again sent back behind the bars. What ideal are they—the leaders— presenting to countries—corning-up generation the young minds—a very distressing a spectacle. What right has such people to govern us, what right has they to be leaders, when their own steps are going astray? In such a grim and graceless situation we are obliged to give a deep thought how and in what manner the nascent are and growing generation of the nation to be guided and oriented.

There is need for imparting proper values among the children. A child learns a lot from the people around him. If the social environment is not good, then it becomes very difficult for him to display ethics and values in his behaviour. We hear it all around, that children in India are going astray. Newspapers report how a fifteen year old boy has been the leader of a gang of auto-thieves. And all these auto-thieves belong to the so- called high families. To get rich quick has been their ambition—not hard work, not sustained pursuits of high order but just anything that can get them quick returns in the form of good money—that has led them to these nefarious ways. Ethics and values need to be imbibed among students.

Our country very much needs a value-oriented educational system. It is only at the level of the primary education that such lessons need to begin. If the impressionable mind once gets set to noble goals difficult would it is to lead him astray. It is not merely talking about great men that the child would get oriented to values; the teacher has to play a major and a decisive role in giving this lesson by precept as well as by example. It is the intellectual, the physical, the emotional, the psychological parts of the child’s personality which would need to be moulded and modeled.

There have been efforts to define the role of education in national life. The Radha Krishnan Commission; the Kothari Commission; National Policy on Education; Ramamurthi Committee; Central Advisory Board of Education Committee on Policy; Planning Commission Core Group on Value Orientation of Education, all have gone deep into the role that education plays and can play in designing and developing the national characters.

The programmes and policies have remained just on paper, just due to lack of coordination between the different implementing agencies.

The values inculcated among young generation would remain with them permanently.It may just be that the young boy or girl of today is better informed than what their parents had been at their age.

Ps3p: thnks a lot
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