write an article on " how important education is to man .
Why is education so important because it is a part of our life. Early Childhood and Higher Education Education is so much important for success in life. Higher Education is important for the personal, social and economic development of the nation. Education is important to live with happiness and prosperity.
Education empowers minds that will be able to conceive good thoughts and ideas. Education enables students to do the analysis while making life decisions. Life gives various survival challenges for humans. But education guide human to fight with failure and get success in life.
Education is only one thing that can remove corruption, unemployment, and environmental problems. Education is not about doing degree it is about how you can live with your own feet.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela
Education helps to become good students, parents, entrepreneurs, doctors, siblings and honest citizens. Being in contact with an educated person and having an intelligent conversation with him expands knowledge and introduces a certain creativity and joy in the mind.

Education makes the national development process fast. Education develops good political ideology. The standard of living of its citizens is largely dependent on the level of education the citizens are able to acquire.
Everyone deserves to be educated. Education is the first early investment for child development. Similar, for governments and nations, to make their country developed, their first budget allocation has to be on the education infrastructure in schools and colleges.
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When I started thinking about why education is so important, I remembered my high school years when I used to spend almost five hours a month on math homework, wake up at 6:00 AM and get ready for my PSAL soccer game after school. I remembered my teachers, school subjects, the study and the fun! I never really hated school. But I have seen many of my peers who hated going to school; I have had some friends who did not like the idea of studying. Some needed to be up in summer school for recovery. I personally was always focused because I wanted to become a software engineer. I know it will be hard and very challenging. However I believe I can handle the challenge.
The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then again, information cannot be converted into knowledge without education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things, among other things. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life. One thing I wish I can do is, to provide education for all: no child left behind and change the world for good!!