English, asked by sarthakdixit446, 1 day ago

Write an article on

Nuclear power is a risky and expensive form of clean energy, but one that is important as we look to move away from fossil fuels. However, recent accidents and the rise of safer renewable energy have made this exceptional power source less attractive. Write an article in 100-150 words.​


Answered by payalrajwaniya2005


Energy is the engine of development and

prosperity. All countries need to secure

sufficient energy to drive economic growth

while working to mitigate the effects of

climate change.

Renewable sources of energy such as wind

and solar power will play an important role

in the future. At the same time, use of nuclear

power will need to increase to provide the

steady supply of baseload electricity. As

one of the lowest-carbon technologies for

generating electricity, nuclear power will also

help countries meet their goals of reducing

greenhouse gas emissions.

This edition of the IAEA Bulletin, published

for the International Ministerial Conference

on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century,

covers some of the most relevant topics on

nuclear power and its role in contributing to

sustainable development.

We highlight the way in which operators of

nuclear power plants in the United States

of America are seeking licence renewals

to extend operation beyond 60 years; how

China is undertaking the largest expansion of

a nuclear power programme of any country;

and why the United Arab Emirates has

embarked on a nuclear power programme.

Nuclear power plants require significant

upfront capital investment, but once they

are up and running, they are comparatively

inexpensive to operate. We examine the United

Kingdom’s model for financing nuclear power

plant construction as one example of how

financial risks can be managed.

Remarkable research is under way on a new

generation of nuclear reactors, which will

have inherent safety features, will be more

efficient and will generate less waste. The

latest developments in the field of small

modular reactors are explored on page 18.

The nuclear industry has been managing

waste disposal successfully for more than half

a century. Dozens of facilities for low-level

and intermediate-level nuclear waste are

in operation throughout the world. As far

as the long term management of high level

radioactive waste and spent fuel is concerned,

good progress has been made in recent years.

You can learn about Finland’s construction

of the first deep geological repository for

spent nuclear fuel, which is likely to become

operational early in the next decade.

In many countries that are considering

launching a nuclear power programme, public

acceptance remains an important issue. The

story on page 6 summarizes the approach

taken by Ghana and Kenya. Investing in

young people is important to bridge the skills

gap and sustain nuclear power in the future.

You can read about how the United Kingdom

is implementing programmes in this area.

Women in nuclear

This edition includes a special section

featuring eight exceptional women working

in the nuclear field. We are proud to highlight

their achievements and present their


I am confident that nuclear power will

make a growing contribution to sustainable

development in the coming decades. The

IAEA will play its part to assist countries in

the safe, efficient and sustainable use of this

remarkable resource.

(Photo: Expo 2017 Astana) (Photo: C. Brady/IAEA) (Photo: ITER)

“I am confident that

nuclear power will make

a growing contribution to

sustainable development

in the coming decades.

The IAEA will play its

part to assist countries

in the safe, efficient and

sustainable use of this

remarkable resource.”

— Yukiya Amano, Director General,


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