Write an article on the child labour. The incomplete sentence is. The domestic help at your place, satya, was sick and had sent her daughter of 11 to substitute for her work. You were so amazed to see her working as a mind instead of attending school.
Her is the required article -
Child Labour - Shame for society
By - Sunil
Children are the future of our nation. They should get proper education. They will make development of the nation in furture. But in our country there is child labour which is not good. The children below 8 years used to work in different places to earn money. Some parents are forced to send their child for work and some are orphans.
Children do not get their basic rights - right to education. They work day and night. They live in an unhygenic area. Some people do not send their daughters to school. The girls do all the household works at very small age.
Our government is trying to give free education to children from age 1 - 15 years. Different organisations give free books, clothes to the children. Still in some are child labour is still continued. As a citizen it is our responsibility to aware as much people about it.