Write an article on The girl child is considered inferior
to the male child
The girl child is considered inferior to the male child....
Gender inequality has been a social issue in India for centuries. That in many parts of India, the birth of a girl child is not welcomed is a known fact. It is a known fact too, that discrimination starts from even before the girl child is born and sometimes she is killed as a foetus, and if she manages to see the light of day, she is killed as an infant, which makes up the highly skewed child sex ratio where for every 1000 boys in India, there are only 908 girls.
A girl child is considered a burden and is often not even allowed to see the light of the world. It is hard to imagine this state of affairs in the 21st Century when women have proved to be strong leaders in every field possible. From wrestling to business, the world has been revolutionised by exceptional women leaders in fields that were until recently completely dominated by men.
But in spite of such progress, even today, the girl child is discriminated against in most Indian households. The birth of a baby boy is celebrated with great pomp and ardour, but the birth of a girl child is received with dismay.
And this discrimination continues in every aspect. Be it education, health, protection or participation, the girl child is always treated unequally. Indian society still hasn’t been awakened to the importance of empowering the women. The statistics still narrate a grim story of female foeticide, girl child discrimination and gender basis.
God created man and women as equal we should not discriminate any differences between men and women. it's the blessing of God. any work is impossible without Man and women. never discriminate between a boy and a girl. some parts in India boy go to school but girls used to work in the house and even she is not allowed to go outside the house. but nowadays no one cares whether he or she is a boy or a girl all is treated as equal. woman is the blessing of God. she is a mother sister daughter etc. we can stop discriminations done by the people . such people are living the life based on the religion and caste. strong step towards we can stop the way of living of mind of people
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