Sociology, asked by GovindKrishnan, 1 year ago

Write an article on the increasing number of Harthals [Strikes] in India.

Points: 25 ☺



Answered by sindhusharavuri
strikes are increasing in India because of many is due to unemployment. when people are not getting jobs they go for a strike.secondly dissatisfaction of labour's,workers in factories, industries.they go for a strike because their wages were low.strikes mainly take place only when group of people's wish is ignored.and it is more in India.recently on September 2nd,2016 millions of workers went for a general strike against Prime Minister Narendra Modi plan for some economic policies.many trade unions also participated. all this happened only because of dissatisfaction of the workers.
Answered by Anonymous

Declaring  'harthal' and 'bandh' is the effect of the slavery genes they carry for  generations.   Many are living under its influence.  It is the biggest  evil they are carrying down to the new generations.

Now  i will tell you how it happens.  For hundreds of years we had been  under the British rule.  And we all wanted to be free Indians.  Even  when yielding to the British rule Indians always wanted to be free and  fight against the British rule.   Many of the violent movements against  the British was crushed down mercilessly.   Then we invented the  non-cooperation movements.   Do not doing anything was not treated as a  big crime by the British.   The British knew 'bandhs' will shake the  back bone of the economy and it is too damaging to the nation.  Finally  they decided to quit rather than ruling a sinking ship.

Fighting  against the government,  throwing stones at the policemen,  declaring  bandh and harthal etc. were treated as holy and courageous as  it  was  used against the British.  And it was there in the bloods of  every  Indian for centuries.

Now  that the British left the country.  We are free Indians.  It is known  to the educated Indians that 'harthal' and 'bandh' will ruin the nation  and it will not do any good to the people.    And these educated people  could overcome the effect of the 'slavery genes' by determination.

A  few of the educated ones that are not concerned about the future of the  country but more concerned about accumulating personal wealth for  themselves and their children continue declaring 'bandh' and 'harthal'   and those illiterate poor carrying the slavery genes do obey them  ruining the Indian Economy and damaging any hope of survival.   They  will throw stones at police, set fire to vehicles, damage public  properties, and what not? 

To  protect ourselves from these atrocities people should not remain at  home on the 'bandh' and 'harthal' days.   Power should be given to the  public to arrest any one who is damaging a public property or attacking  anybody in the streets.  It is unfortunate that many a times some  parties are ruling the state on one side and declaring harthal on other  side.   It is expressing their inability to rule the state.
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