write an article on the topic "plantation of trees" in about 300-400 words
Carbon dioxide makes our atmosphere or rather our environment poisonous for us. Trees consume this carbon dioxide and thereby makes our environment safe for us.
Trees also give us many other benefits. We get fruit and flowers from the trees. Trees provide us with fuel and timbers. In summer, they bear the scorching rays of the sun and give us cool shade under them. Trees in our forests draw the rain from the clouds floating in the sky. Trees in our forests check the quick flow of rain-water and thereby check the occurrence of high flood in our rivers. On the other hand, this slow process of water-flow gives us good water all throughout the year through streams and streamlets with their sweet melodious music.
Trees conserve our soil. This soil-conservation is very important for our corn-fields. Trees make own land fertile by their fallen leaves. By their fallen leaves they make new soil for us. Most of the forest-products are the products from the trees in the forests, absentee of trees will cause a lot of harm to us and to our life. So the number of trees should be multiplied by the tree-plantation by us.
We should plant trees near our houses and near our villages for a forestation with a view to raising new forests. We should plant trees on the two sides of the roads and paths and on the four sides of our corn-fields. We should plant trees on all the vacant places in our village on towns where we live, and we should advise all to do so.
Selection of trees for plantation:
We should make good selection of trees to be planted, in consideration of the nature of land and the kind of climate. Cocoanut trees grow well in the sea-coasts. Plantain trees grow well near the ponds. We should know which place is fit for which tree. To know this we should get our soil tested by the experts and plant the kinds of trees accordingly. Collection of plants to be planted should be made from the Government nurseries in consultation with the experts there.
Time for tree-plantation:
Generally, rainy season is the best time for tree-plantation. Most of the tree-plants thrive well in rainy season. Still then, we should seek advice from the Government agricultural experts about the appropriate time for the plantation of a particular kind of tree.
Only planting the trees is not enough. Because, planted trees may be destroyed by animals or otherwise, or may die for regular service of water. So we should be particular about the after-care of the planted trees. We should be very careful about the newly-planted trees.
Trees should be regularly planted to save the mankind and the animal world. Tree plantation and its after-care is a pleasing work too. We can get much pleasure in planting trees and in taking care of them. Students should plant trees in their school-compounds and in the front-yards, backyards and side-yards of their schools and near their own houses and in other places wherever possible. They should explain to their neighbours the goodness of tree-plantation and encourage them to plant and care new trees.
One of the most precious gifts of nature is trees and plants. These give us fruits, flowers, wood, bamboo, fuel, etc. Many
do things. Life is incomplete without trees or say life is impossible. This tree
is green in the world because of the trees . And because of these, we are alive today. Human beings along with
animals and birds, their lives also depend on trees and plants. Animals eat only grass and leaves of trees
Man gets food from these and without our food our life is impossible.
That means without tree plants our life is impossible. Plants give us oxygen which
is essential for our lives . Along with this, carbon dioxide absorbs. Many people are
financially dependent on trees and plants to live their life . If given the paper, the match industry
runs through the tree plant . From tree plants we can control the noise pollution and air pollution.
As well as trees and plants are also the cause of rainfall. Trees and trees
do not serve us for years only . Through them we can escape the sudden flood. Tree
communities are also very important for wild animals . Animals living in the forest
take the help of trees to avoid winter, heat and rain . Because the tree is the cause of rain and water to make the soil fertile
It is very important to be
Without tree plants, our life is impossible
Similarly, we can say that tree is very important for making the land fertile.
And the tree that gives us the fruits as if it is boon for us. Tree plants make our
earth colorful, their greenery and flowers color four moons in the beauty of the earth.
There are many tree plants that protect us from many diseases. Similarly, Neem tree
can not count its benefits, neem leaves juice, seeds, stems, all are useful
Neem protects us from diseases in our body.
There are many tree plants that make medicines that are very useful to us. That is why tree
plants are God's gift to us, which we should save. But nowadays people
are cutting their eggs instead of raising the number of trees, which is very bad. We
should save the trees and prevent deforestation.
Save trees, plant trees, make life healthy.