English, asked by missme, 1 year ago

write an article on the uncivil behaviour of people. you may include the falling standards of behaviour of people whether it is neighbourhood construction, ruining home or the noises made during the night in a wedding. People don't know how to live in a metropolis


Answered by hrik2
The issue of what behavior is civilized and what is uncivilized or barbaric is varied
among different people But in our world today there are standards of what behavior is
considered The definition of civilized is the characteristics of a state of civilization
especially characterized by taste refinement or restraint Now from this definition the
meaning of civilization is a relatively high level of cultural and technological development
stage at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained The meaning of taste
is a critical judgment or discernment The meaning of restraint is control of emotions
impulses etc reserve constraint Now the definition of uncivilized is not civilized
One example of civilized or uncivilized behavior comes from The Most
Dangerous Game by Richard Connell In this story one character Zaroff is uncivilized
because he hunts other humans for sport Another example comes from The Interlopers
by Saki In this Story two men are uncivilized at the beginning because they are fighting
over a piece of land that is worth nothing They are willing to kill over it However by the
end of the story they solve their fight in a civilized manner They talk the disagreement out
and agree to become friends In the story The Lady or the Tiger by Frank R Stockton
the kings way of punishment is uncivilized because an innocent person could die for
opening the wrong door and a guilty person could live for picking the right one It is also
barbaric because of the way that the people have to die
The idea of what is civilized and uncivilized can be determined about many actions
One behavior that is uncivilized to almost all humans is one human taking the life of
another for no reason murder Acting rudely or having bad manners is all so considered to
be uncivilized by many people Being unclean and un-kept is the same The question of
being uncivilized also depends on the person Some people may see it as okay and
perfectly normal to hunt while some people may see it as uncivilized and barbarous
Vegetarians may see it as uncivilized to eat meat but others do it on a daily basis and see
nothing at all wrong with it So the issue of civilized or not also depends on society
When fighting there are many different ways to handle the disagreement One way
may be to physically fight it out and yell or scream This way would be considered
uncivilized The civil way to handle the problem would be to talk it out and make some
compromises When eating at a dinner table you dont want to pick food up with your
hands and use other ill manners This would be uncivilized You should talk politely and
use silverware or other utensils properly
It is very important to be civilized in todays society because it can determine
weather or not you are excepted If you act and appear uncivilized people wont accept
you you wont be able to get jobs and you could get into trouble with the law.....

plZzzzz mrk as brainliest
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