English, asked by yajasyadav18, 1 year ago

write an article writing of hundred to 120 words​


Answered by kshitijsharma29



Here is your answer :



Nowadays pollution became a global problem. This became severe in all type .The pollution whether it may be a air pollution or water pollution. It damages the whole environment and ecosystem. This pollution can result to the end of world also as this pollution causes global warming and the end of drinking water.

One of the major type of pollution is water pollution. Nowadays we are buying water for price. It became a business due to this water pollution. Many water bodies got polluted by the wastes dumped in them. Some of the major causes for water pollution are the waste dumped like plastic bags, factories liquid waste which is very poisonous, burning dead bodies in large river banks etc.

This causes the water poisonous and effect the aquatic habitat. Many perrinial and holy rivers like Ganga and Yamuna are polluted than any other rivers in India. These river bodies were polluted by the pollutants dumped in them. If this continues these rivers become the waste and most polluted. Many people struggle for the water. As, these rivers feed many people.

To protect these rivers. Government should take some preventive measures to clean water like Rally for Rivers movement. This government should take some strict actions in stopping the waste dumping in the rivers. Then these rivers can be cleaned and can feed many people.

Finally, I conclude that it is everyone's duty to save water bodies from being polluted. Then we can live happily. Live let others to live should be our motto.


Answered by GurleenDhillon025

Answer: It is indeed a matter of great concern that rivers, which are our basic and largest source of fresh water are subject to such heavy and careless degrees of pollution. Tanneries, chemical industries, mills, slaughter houses, hospitals are a major concern that contributes incessantly to pollution of our rivers by discharging untreated waste into it. In the absence of proper living conditions in the country, many people perform their daily activities such as bathing, washing and defecation, on the banks of the rivers, thus polluting them. The unchecked discharge of sewage and domestic waste into the rivers is a major cause of river pollution. Idol immersion during religious ceremonies in the rivers is a major environmental hazard that's polluting the rivers. Adding to the woes are floral offerings such as garlands cast off into rivers and ashes of dead people after cremation poured into river.

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