Write an assembly language program to count the occurrence of data 05H in a memory block starting from 4000H to 4004H .Store the result at 4070H.
assemble language programs
Here's an assembly language program to count the occurrence of data 05H in a memory block starting from 4000H to 4004H and store the result at 4070H:
ORG 0000H ; Start at address 0000H
MOV CX, 0005H ; Initialize the counter to 5
MOV BX, 4000H ; Set the starting address to 4000H
MOV DI, 4070H ; Set the address to store the result to 4070H
CMP CX, 0 ; Check if the counter has reached 0
JE END ; If so, exit the loop
MOV AL, [BX] ; Load the value at the current address into AL
CMP AL, 05H ; Check if the value is equal to 05H
JNE NEXT ; If not, skip to the next address
INC BYTE PTR [DI] ; If so, increment the count at 4070H
INC BX ; Increment the address pointer
DEC CX ; Decrement the counter
JMP LOOP1 ; Jump back to the beginning of the loop
HLT ; Halt the program
- Set the initial values of CX, BX, and DI registers to 0005H, 4000H, and 4070H, respectively.
- Start a loop that iterates through each memory address between 4000H and 4004H.
- Check if the value at the current address is equal to 05H.
- If the value is equal to 05H, increment the value stored at address 4070H.
- Move to the next address and continue the loop until all five addresses have been checked.
- Halt the program once the loop is complete.
- This program will count the occurrence of data 05H in a memory block starting from 4000H to 4004H and store the result at 4070H.
To learn more about assembly language from the given link.