write an essay about hand washing
Hand washing is an important technique in removing or reducing the number of microorganisms from the hands. This in turn will reduce the potential transmission of these microorganisms directly to others or to surfaces where they can be picked up by others. Washing of ones hands will also decreases the risk of transmission of infectious agents to self. Hand washing is especially important among healthcare workers. “Contaminated hands of health care workers are a primary source of infection transmission in health care setting” (Perry and Potter, 2009, p.655). Of equal importance is also hand washing among young children. In this instance it can help prevent common illnesses such as the flu and help them stay healthier.
Hand washing is an important technique in removing or reducing the number of microorganisms from the hands. This in turn will reduce the potential transmission of these microorganisms directly to others or to surfaces where they can be picked up by others. Washing of ones hands will also decreases the risk of transmission of infectious agents to self. Hand washing is especially important among healthcare workers. “Contaminated hands of health care workers are a primary source of infection transmission in health care setting” (Perry and Potter, 2009, p.655). Of equal importance is also hand washing among young children. In this instance it can help prevent common illnesses such as the flu and help them stay healthier. Some of the most common diseases that can be spread through hand to hand contact are infectious diarrhea, the flu, the common cold and also some intestinal disorders. This can affect people who are more vulnerable to infectious diseases such as those with reduced defenses including the elderly or even very young childre. Other consequences of not washing the hands or improper washing of hands includes food related illnesses for example E.coli infection or salmonella. These conditions can also lead to intestinal problems which can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Effective Hand washing Techniques
Hands should be: washed under running water, using a single dose of liquid soap or antiseptic; vigorously rubbed together for 10-15 seconds; rinsed thoroughly under running water and dried with a disposable paper towel (Gould D.Drey, 2008). Hand washing technique may sound simple, but to be effective it must be done correctly. Gould D.Drey (2008) made reference to Feldman’s criteria which was developed to evaluate hand hygiene technique. Some of the criteria listed in the article were; whether soap bubbles appeared, the absence of environmental contamination by avoiding splashing and coverage of the hand surfaces. Another evaluation technique mentioned by Gould D. Drey (2008) was done by Taylor who according to the article, nurses were persuaded to perform their hand washing routine with their eyes shut. A dye was then used to show the parts of the hand that had not received contact. In this instance if parts of the hand did not receive contact during washing this was a sign of inadequate hand washing.