English, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

Write an essay about ‘How lockdown affect our daily lives’(about 150-200 words)

Pls give me the correct answer​


Answered by harshvardhankumarsin


It is affected very on student life because students can't study in school ,collage and University and it is also affected on middle and poor class people who are not in government job who are in private job of companies and who is small to large shopkeeper of clothes shop,shoes shop and some home items shop.



In today's pandemic situation , we the human beings are going through a very difficult situation.

Coronavirus ( a virus from China ) has affected our life in many a ways. People are dying being affected by Covid. So the government has to call down a lockdown.

This virus spreads from person to person by sneezing, coughing, etc. So today the schools, collages, universities, etc are closed because of lockdown. The students are suffering a lot to study from gadgets. And teachers are also facing problems in explaining the students perfectly. Physical study is better than to learn from virtual classes.

People are facing a critical problem of the loss of livelihood. The people who set their livelihood by continuing stores, driving, etc is not possible during the lockdown. Many peoples have died due to hunger in lockdown because they don't have enough money to buy food products.

And not only that people have to pay more for the commodities of daily usage. The shopkeepers are rising the price of commodities and taking the advantage of lockdown.

People are unable to get out of their houses . They feel like being jailed in house. People are mentally becoming weak and also physically. We are having a monotonous life.

The students doing online classes has been addicted to gadgets. Some are found to do other activities in gadgets and some good pupils are doing classes regularly. The students are not only

affected by monotonous life but also getting damaged from internal. The addiction to gadgets Led to their headache, illness, pain in eyes, etc.

People shouldn't go out of their homes in the period of lockdown. Though there is no way to do classes physically so there must be less classes than in physical and regular schools. Stay home stay safe.

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