English, asked by nandynarmadha, 1 year ago

write an essay about Is science is a blessing or a curse?


Answered by shubhamkkt
1055 Words Essay on Science a Blessing or a Curse

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This is the age of science and technology. Science has changed the face of the earth with its too many wonderful inventions and discoveries. If one of our ancestors were to return to the earth, he or she would not be able to recognize it-so tremendous, complete and fundamental has been the change.

Science has benefited mankind in an unprecedented manner by its wonderful progress and development. And still the development, research, inventions and discoveries are going on a very fast track. These are of fundamental nature and of far reaching consequences, so much so that the world would get further transformed unrecognizably.

Science touches all of us and our life at every step, as a big boon and blessing. It has helped us to conquer space and time. The world has now become a global village, thanks to very fast and reliable means of travel and communication. Science has also helped man to conquer the moon and to explore the outer space. Many a fatal disease is now checked and eradicated. For example, small pox is now a disease of the history only. The great and significant researches in the fields, of agriculture, irrigation, water-management etc., have helped in developing new variety of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and effective methods of water conservation. These benefits and facilities were not available to our forefathers.The use of computers and super computers has further revolutionised our life and work with the dawn of scientific era, the barriers of the nations are crumbling fast and the international living and interaction are very much in sight. Nations and countries have come closer and isolation has been eliminated. A new composite culture marked with greater tolerance and understanding, and secularism is now assured. In a sense, science has unified the world and reduced differences in outlook and thinking. By removing many superstitions and blind beliefs, modern science has inculcated scientific temper and spirit in man to gr6at extent.

Because of science and technology there has been tremendous progress in the fields of industry, commerce and human resources development as well. Consequently, there is a new world economic order in sight and the gap between the developed and developing countries are being reduced. The new economic order ensures a great industrial and corporate cooperation, globalization, expansion and liberalization among the nations. The quality of life and standard of living, in various underdeveloped and developing counties, have improved and the countries are likely to be upgraded further. The contribution of science in the betterment of human life has been great and significant and further expectations from it are no less significant or great. The boons and blessings of science assure us further strengthening of human equality, fraternity and liberty.

Man feels more safe, secure, comfortable and important. Today than ever before, because of scientific development and advancement. The day is not far off when we shall have colonies on the moon and the planets. Science has achieved much, and promises to achieve still more and more in the years to come. Science has tamed forces of nature, conquered space and time, eradicated may fatal diseases, given us food, clothing etc., and enough to spare. Now there are no more famines, epidemics and pestilences. Science has even pushed further the threats of death and increased the average longevity of man.

nandynarmadha: thanks for the answer
shubhamkkt: ok
nandynarmadha: thanks
shubhamkkt: welcome
Answered by kush193874

Urbanization is a blessing in disguise.

Urban and rural are the two important parts of India. With the changing time people from the rural area are shifting to the urban space. Most of them move to the urban areas in search of job, some for health and other reasons. Urbanization is in fact an important parameter of social-economic structure of a region. They even play a vital part in the progress of any economy. Do you think that Urbanization is a blessing in disguise?


• Urbanization is the base for the growth coming from production and service centers leading to all round economic development.

• Urbanization encourages industrialization. Industrialization is again an important parameter in country’s growth.

• The industrialization factor present in the urban areas drives people from the rural area acting as blessing in disguise.

• The most positive impact of urbanization is on the fertility rates. It reduces both mortality and fertility rates.

• Urbanization is about generating more job opportunities having a positive impact on the employment rate.

• Urbanization encourages higher education for the rural people and also provides them with better health services.


• Urbanization has proved a success in the developed countries but in developing countries it has led to multifarious problems.

• Urban areas are known for trades and administration but they hardly offer any productive employment to the people.

• The number of people migrating to the urban areas is increasing day by day and the urban areas don’t have the required infrastructure to accommodate them.

• When people don’t get the right job or gainful employment they ultimately lead to increased number of slum dwellers and low paid workers in urban areas.

• Higher number of residents in urban area is also a cause of transport congestion in the city. Like transport communication is also over utilized, worsening the condition of urban areas.


Urbanization is closely connected to industrialization. It provides employment to people and brings growth in the economy. However, the demand and supply gap is getting wider. It is making things worse in the urban centers. The need is to bring in a balance between the demand and supply of the opportunities; otherwise it will only lead to increased burden on the economy.

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