English, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

write an essay not exceeding 700 words on the topic 'oil conservation towards healthy and better environment'


Answered by CUTESTAR11

Hey dear ‼️

Oil Conservation towards Healthy and Better Environment

Oil conservation is the direst need of the hour. The rate at which humans have been using the fossil fuels is not only consuming future resources for the coming generations, but is also polluting our environment alarmingly. The aftermath and fallout of the excessive use of fossil fuels have adversely affected man. Our environment is like a gigantic balloon of transparent life-supporting gases that are being polluted with the tar-like emissions. Conserving oil will not only keep the oil reserves for future generations, but will also help us conserve our environment. Let us see how reckless use of oil results in unwanted consequences.

Global Warming: Burning of fossil fuels has damaged this beautiful balloon to such an extent that reclaiming it to its pristine purity and beauty is impossibility. Man, the foolish creature, fails to see that his very existence depends on this balloon. It is a known fact that carbon dioxide, a gas released when fossil fuels are burnt, is one of the primary gases responsible for global warming. Rise in temperature of earth has resulted in melting of polar ice caps, flooding of low lying areas and rise in sea levels. If such conditions continue, our planet Earth might face some serious consequences in near future.

Health Hazards: Besides damaging the environment, air pollution caused by the emission of gases produced in burning of fuels can result in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, and lung cancer. Long-term exposure may increase respiratory infections in general people. Natural flora and fauna get affected with the toxic emissions that further complicate the ecological imbalance.

Burden on National Economy: India is one of the largest importers of oil from foreign countries. A major chunk of our national funds get spent on oil imports. According to a data India spent USD 111.9 billion on oil imports in 2018-19. If we had some other alternative fuel for oil, we could have saved so much of our funds and spent on other developmental activities.

Future Implications: Conservation of fuel is not only the urgent need of the current times. This colossal task can be accomplished by participation of all the people. Sagacious and frugal use of fossil fuels is the direst need of the hour. The present rate at which the fossil fuels are being used is quite alarming. There won't be left anything for the coming generations. We will be called highly selfish generation, if we don't leave fuels for the future generations. We need to put our acts together. We must follow the principles of sustainable development. After all it is our responsibility to bequeath a healthy and prosperous planet. Being parents and elders it is our moral responsibility.

Exploring Alternatives for Oil Fuel: The best option in front of us at present to tackle the problems posed by fossil fuels is the option of using alternative sources of energy. The ever increasing demand for energy cannot be met by the fossil fuels. It will lead to environmental collapse as well as utter depletion. Renewable energy sources are the best bet in the scenario. And what can be a better renewable resource than the sun? Besides, it is a renewable and clean energy source. Taking both environmental and economic cost, solar energy works cheaper than fossil fuel resources. Once we master techniques to harness solar energy, it can be a vital source of power across the entire planet.

Electric Vehicles: The rise in economic activity and the burgeoning population have led to a tremendous demand in the transport sector, especially in urban India. In the near future, India's urban population is expected to grow fivefold to a staggering 200 million; pollution will also grow alarmingly. With this tremendous growth has emerged a very critical issue of keeping air and noise pollution in urban areas under control. The viable solution to the above mentioned problems is the use of electric vehicles (EVs) on the roads. EVs will reduce pollution by 16 lakh metric tons. The Government must promote and encourage people to replace their pollution-causing vehicles with smart zero-emission vehicles. For this the Government must make stricter laws to protect the environment. The Government must also provide subsidy on these smart vehicles.

In conclusion it can be said that if we have to conserve our oil and save our environment. It is possible only through minimizing the use of oil and replacing the fossil fuels with alternative sources of energy. We must switch over to them as early as we can for a brighter, healthier and safer future!

keep loving...❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✌️

Answered by riya3314


Fuel is very important for everyday activities. Day-by-day our fuel deposits are depreciating. We need to save fuel to have a better environment around us. The real danger in consuming fuel thoughtlessly is that it is drying up the earth’s resources. Fossil fuels like coal and oil and gas are non-renewable resources. Increasing usage is depleting their presence within the earth. To save our environment, we need to save fuel. In today's world fuels are undoubtedly ruling our world. Our basic needs are Roti, Kapada and Makaan. And, we need fuel to cook, to manufacture fabric, to produce building material and to build our sweet homes. So willingly or

unwillingly we are dependent on fuels to live. We use fossil fuels such as coal, wood, natural gas, Petroleum and its derivatives like petrol, diesel, LPG, kerosene etc. Since the days of Industrial revolution, there has been a rapid growth and development in the entire globe. The machines in industries, transport vehicles and domestic appliances all use fossil fuels. Even though the world adopted electricity as a source of energy, we still need fossil fuels to produce electricity. Environment is an essential part of our life. It includes surrounding water, air, trees, wildlife, birds, minerals etc. Quality of our life depends on the quality of our environment. Our health is dependent both on ourselves and our environment. We need a clean environment to live healthy. Last four decades have seen tremendous growth in electric and electronic gadgets and appliances causing the demand for energy to go skyrocketing. Combustion of fossil fuels results in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that have negative impact on environment and health. Overuse of fuels have initiated a breakdown of our ecosystem balance. As a consequence air we breathe is polluted with CO2, soot particles and harmful gases. A large number of people suffer from respiratory diseases. The local temperatures have risen. Climatic balance is broken. Global warming is causing icebergs at the Poles and ice caps on mountain peaks to melt at a faster rate. Greenhouse gases (fluorocarbons) are depleting the Ozone layer faster than ever before. Ozone layer shields us from harmful Ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. The holes in Ozone layer mean sunburns and skin cancer from exposure to UV rays. Many species of birds and oceanic creatures are getting extinct. Animals too suffer from pollution. The balance in Biodiversity has become an issue. Imbalance in food-chain results in Earth's ecosystem imbalance. To live we eat food, drink water and breathe air. If they are contaminated, then certainly our health is affected. Comparing in our minds strolling happily on a path in a village and along a busy city road. Certainly we would want a peaceful and clean environment for a morning walk to the park nearby. Fuel and energy saved is as good as produced. Fuel saved is more than driving away diseases and buying health. There are many ways to save fuel. We could use shared or public transport like trams and metros. We switch off engines while waiting for traffic signals. We take an exercising walk to nearby places. We use bicycle not just as a sport, but as a transport. We use more efficient fuels. We switch off gadgets and appliances when not in use. We use green vehicles and latest technology based machines. Also drive vehicles uniformly at recommended speeds and maintain properly to run at high mileage. We need to replace obsolete technologies with the latest. Simply, we could replace the domestic light bulbs by the efficient LED bulbs. Let's use more efficient LCD and LED computer monitors and TVs in place of the bulky old ones. Let us use more efficient and silent CNG based engines rather than the traditional noisy diesel engines. Use of geothermal heat and biomass energies efficiently and cheaply serve our needs locally in the vicinity. Use of solar boats could reduce pollution of water bodies. In rural areas people still use kerosene, wood and tree leaves for domestic cooking and heating. We need to upgrade their lifestyle so that fuel is saved and environment is saved. Wastage of food, water or other materials happens inadvertently. Reducing wastage indirectly saves fuel required to produce more food and other products. Induction stoves save on energy needed to cook. Imagine 10% savings in a billion houses in the world. Lets useless of traditional fuels and use more of clean renewable fuels like solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, biomass, Nuclear, hydro, biofuel and so on. Then we meet our demands as well as save our environment. We stay healthier too. This is what ultimately we want and the mankind needs. Instead of polluting our location and then searching for a better place to live in, we all live healthier and jollier by saving fuel.

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