English, asked by foleymicheal21012, 1 month ago

write an essay of 100 words on "Our Indian farmer"...​


Answered by mantashaansari


The condition of the most of the farmers is horrible. Nearly 80 percent of the farmers in India belongs to Marginal(less than 1 ha) or small farmers (1–2 ha) category .The agriculture supports nearly 50 percent of the employment but contributes only 15 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Everyday there is news coming on farmers suicides from different parts of the country.

The people sitting in air conditioner rooms are devising the policies to alleviate the problems faced by the farmers who works under burning sun. They will not come to know the real problems of the farmers . I have heard that the policies are driven after proper consultation with farmers but I have never seen/heard any person coming to my village where the only occupation is agriculture to take views /points from farmers.

The conditions of the farmers in India are as follows.

Money Lenders still play a major role for agriculture credit where the interest paid to them will be more than profit that one can earn from cultivated crops.

MNREGA Effect : It is very difficult to get labors after MNREGA . If some one talks about the de-merits of MNREGA is adjudged as anti-poor. But the reality is MNREGA ruined agriculture with labor shortages and the schema is anti-agriculture. Instead the government can enroll people under MNREGA and give them 100 days of wage and allow them to work in agriculture.

Productivity vs price : The crop price is inversely proportional to productivity. If the productivity is more then the price will be less and vice versa.

Good rainfall, good productivity and good prices never ever come together. So the income of the farmers will be either marginal or no profit or loss.

Only the large farmers can get used of machines and get good productivity with less production cost.

Now a days the cost of paddy cultivation is same as the final output . Only the paddy grasses is profit of farmers which they can use it as fodder for cattle.

Crops will be destroyed by too much of rainfall or drought or if everything is good and productivity is more then the price will be less.

Urban consumers who used to get elite media attention will protest if the food prices goes up but they will not understand the problems faced by the farmers.

Cost of tomato : 100 per/kg is a breaking news. Tomato 1 per/kg is no news .

Middlemen : These are the people who earn by sucking the farmers blood. We used to sell for example onion 10 rupees s/kg but the same i get in Bangalore for 50 rupees/kg for the most the times.

Every farmer wants their children to move out of agriculture because they know the difficulty of agriculture.

There are ‘N’ number of schemes introduced by the Government and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture ,NABARD and central/state agencies . But I feel not even 10 percent has reached the farmers .

Media is focusing only on urban people and targeting them. They will not advertise any of the schemes which will be helpful to farmers until unless it affects the urban . The government has to advertise the schemes in local languages and need to create more awareness programs in villages.

A good amount of investment ,proper awareness about government schemes and markets to sell , good amount of land and water will give a pleasant life for farmers.

Answered by Samantha1449


The Indian farmer lives of very simple life. His day begins with the rising sun. He has a simple breakfast of tea and chapatis. He then milks the cows and buffaloes and takes them out to graze. During the day he works in the field. His work involves ploughing, weeding, sowing, watering or reaping.

At noon he has his midday meal. He rests for a while under the shade of a tree. Just as the sun is about to set, he goes home. After his evening meal he sits on a charpai and rests. A few friends may come over for a quiet talk. He goes to bed early.

When he is not working on his fields, he repaired his implements or tends his cattle. The farmer earns very little money and leads a hard life, but he is generally happy and contented with what he gets.

Hope it helps you :)

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