English, asked by rk5717691, 11 months ago

write an essay of 250-300 words on increasing anger among the youth.


Answered by khanaffanullah


The teenage years are difficult to get through. Physical and emotional changes occur at a rapid pace, and the need for acceptance gains importance in a teenager's life. Hormones take over, emotions run high and every teen has to learn how to cope with the new changes. They are also learning to get along with others and discovering their own self-awareness. Learning to adapt to these changes can create anger and sometimes even aggression in some teenagers. Understanding the causes of anger and aggression may help parents, teachers and even teens themselves alleviate these symptoms.


Physical changes can result in anger and confusion as hormone levels begin to change in boys and girls. Skin, hair and body changes are sometimes difficult for teens to accept, thus giving them a sense of uncertainty about what is happening to them as they become young adults. Peer pressure is a struggle that many teenagers face.

Increased Risk Factors

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, some of these factors include, being the victim of physical abuse and/or sexual abuse, exposure to violence in the home and/or community, genetic (family heredity) factors, exposure to violence in media, combination of stressful family socioeconomic factors (poverty, severe deprivation, marital breakup, single parenting, unemployment, loss of support from extended family) or brain damage from head injury.


Working with angry and/or aggressive teenagers is important. Trying to figure out what is causing their anger or why they are upset helps alleviate some of their struggles. Seeking help from a school counselor or outside therapist is sometimes beneficial. Parental and teacher awareness is also important. It's crucial to understand the common causes and risk factors and to also pay attention to teens’ behaviors to assess which teens may need guidance. "Irritability and explosiveness in teens are sometimes symptoms of depression.

Mark as brainliest ^_^

LittleBabyPink: ithe...
LittleBabyPink: xD
Answered by irfan24862

The youth are the real wealth of a nation as it is they who have to shoulder the onerous responsibility of running the country in the times to come. They constitute an immense reservoir of power which, if properly channelized, can transform the destiny of our nation.But it is sad that lately, there have been disturbing reports of our youth indulging themselves in violence over small pretexts. There have been reports of young boys beating and thrashing the other people over trifles such as overtaking/parking of vehicles etc.Recently a group of youth severely thrashed a young boy when they found him sitting on their scooter.There seem to be many reasons for this type of behaviour.Generally, the youth of today,especially those belonging to the affluent families,are pampered and their demands are fulfilled in no time by their parents.They are not accustomed to their ‘orders’ being disobeyed. So they think that they can rule the roost everywhere in all circumstances.Perhaps that is why they indulge in violent acts to prove that their writ can run everywhere.Then moral and higher values of life are being eroded from the society in the modern fast life.So there is also an urgent need to provide moral and value education to the youth both at home and in schools.

Parents ought to devote more time to their children and shower love and affection on them to provide them a feeling of security and belongingness but at the same time,make them aware of the harsh realities of life they will have to face as they attain adulthood.They ought to ensure that their children donot indulge themselves in drugs,rave parties etc.The children have intimate relations with their grandparents.So,the parents should allow their children to interact with their grandparents more frequently and learn the real values such as patience, compassion, respect for elders, emotional stability etc.They should not put undue pressure on their children with regard to the marks in the examinations.The Government should take measures to provide employment opportunities to the youth to channelise their energy and power and involve more and more youth in such activities as NSS, Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan, Rural Development projects,etc. It is essential that parents interact freely and frequently to understand the problems of their children and endeavour to solve them.The police and other law enforcement agencies should ensure that rule of the land is followed by one and all.

I hope this will help..............

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