write an essay on how to stop bribary
Essay on how to stop bribery -
Bribery means corruption . Corruption which has gone deep into our social life cannot be removed very easily. In fact, it can only be reduced or minimised, and can hardly be stopped altogether. No nation has become successful so far in this regard.
Even for minimising this problem, both preventive and punitive measures will have to be taken. The Santharam Committee on the Prevention of Corruption, instituted by the Central Government in 1964, observes, “Corruption cannot be eliminated or even satisfactorily reduced unless preventive measures are planned and implemented in a sustained and effective manner.
Preventive action must include administrative, legal, social, economic and educative measures”, [as quoted by C.B. Mamoria]
The Committee recommended the following measures:
1. A thorough study of the extent possible, scope and modes of corruption should be undertaken regarding each department, undertaking or ministry. The study must also suggest preventive remedial measures for the same.
2. Administrative delays should be reduced to the minimum to avoid corrupt practices. For this purpose:
(a) existing procedures and practices should be reviewed to avoid delays;
(b) time-limits should be prescribed for dealing with receipts and should be strictly enforced; and
(c) all nothings at a lower level than that of undersecretary should be avoided.
3. Attempts should be made to educate citizens in regard to their rights, responsibilities and the procedures of the government.4. Improvement must be made to increase the salary of the employers besides making necessary provisions for housing, medical facilities for the government employees, etc.
5. Informal codes of conduct for different categories of employees particularly belonging to the departments dealing with economic affairs must be evolved insisting on them not to avail themselves of entertainment and other facilities provided to them by those with whom they have official dealings.
6. Officials should not have any dealings with a person claiming to act on behalf of an industrial house unless he is properly authorised to do so.
7. Companies and businessmen should be obliged to keep detailed accounts of expenditure.
8. Officers for the administrative posts should be selected with great care. Only those whose integrity is tested to the fullest satisfaction must be appointed for the key posts.
9. There should be a complete ban against government servants accepting private commercial or industrial employment for two years after retirement.
In general terms, bribery means exchange of cash, material or goods in return of a favour that is otherwise impossible or hard to attain. However much we say that we are against bribery, against giving or taking any kind of bribe, deep down we all know that we are either accepting or offering bribe in a way or the other.
It is nearly impossible to find a person who has neither given nor accepted any kind of bribe in his entire lifetime. If you want your kid to get admitted in a better school, you offer bribe, if you want a seat allotted in a train, you offer bribe, if you want to get rid of the crimes you have committed, you offer bribes; as a matter of fact, there is no area in life where you do not offer bribes.
In fact you even bribe your child with a chocolate or two to get the work done. Bribery thus starts from the household itself. When a child will see his or her parents offering bribe, what outcome do you expect. The most important reason for corruption especially in India is the never-ending chain of bribes that are offered and accepted throughout the country.
All we talk about is equality of all the citizens, allowing equal opportunity to one and all in matters of education and employment and the like. But this equality is impossible to achieve especially where an individual takes away the opportunity of another individual just to fulfil his own self- interest. You are obviously taking away the seat of a deserving individual when you offer huge sums of money to get an admission in your favourite Medical College. It is the government of a country which can make or break this bribery system.
But in a country like India where bribery is the major source of income of most of the government officials and public servants, we cannot expect the government itself to do away with this corrupt practice. But the citizens cannot complain that the government and government officials are involved in the corrupt practice of bribery because it is the citizens who offer bribe to these public servants. If the citizens themselves stop offering bribes, the roots of bribery will diminish in no time.
It is essential for parents at home and teachers in school to teach the children the importance of honesty so that they do not offer or accept bribes in their lifetime. Slowly but steadily, the practice of offering and giving bribes can be eliminated from its very roots if people join hands and take an oath to eliminate this practice by hook or by crook. But the bitter truth remains; we ourselves cannot imagine our life free from this practice so how do we expect to abolish it completely.