English, asked by rathimayakrishnan, 17 days ago

write an essay on "Hygiene and Sanitation". maximum 3 pages or 200 words


Answered by simipoonam81


Sanitation and Hygiene

The importance of sanitation and hygiene is our number one goal. Sanitation promotes the well being of yourself and the children in your care. Some examples of proper sanitation and to ensure there…show more content…

This includes keeping all hands washed often with soap and water during and after the preparation of the food. Tables, countertops, dishes, and equipment need to be kept clean and in safe working condition. Keep food preparation area separate from where the children eat their food and wash their hands. Also you should not allow small children in the preparation areas, this helps protect them from getting hurt because of any kitchen hazards. Do not change diapers in areas where you prepare, store, and serve foods. Do not allow pets in the kitchen when meals are being prepared and served to children. Use a food thermometer to be sure food is cooked thoroughly. Never thaw meats on the kitchen counter. When serving children food, serve on a plate, napkin or bowl rather than directly on the table. Give children clean utensils and napkins if these items are dropped during the meal or snack.

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