Biology, asked by Hasanur8070, 1 year ago

Write an essay on micro evolutionary and macro evolution wit suitable example


Answered by saddammgs7p6h50h
Microevolution is the change in allele frequencies that occurs over time within a population.[1] This change is due to four different processes: mutation, selection (natural and artificial), gene flow and genetic drift. This change happens over a relatively short (in evolutionary terms) amount of time compared to the changes termed 'macroevolution' which is where greater differences in the population occur.

Population genetics is the branch of biology that provides the mathematical structure for the study of the process of microevolution. Ecological genetics concerns itself with observing microevolution in the wild. Typically, observable instances of evolution are examples of microevolution; for example, bacterial strains that have antibiotic resistance.

Microevolution over time leads to speciationor the appearance of novel structure, sometimes classified as macroevolution.[2]Macro and microevolution describe fundamentally identical processes on different scales

Answered by CRM
Hi,hope this helps you...
Every living being has a specific genetic code, and a unique genetic structure. This structure is somewhat similar in all organisms of a particular species. For example, dogs have a specific pattern in their genetic structure, which differs from that of humans, fish, or birds.

It has been observed that the gene structure in a particular species undergoes a small-scale evolutionary change, over time. This may be due to sexual mating that is not random, natural selection, genetic mutation due to environmental effects and lifestyle, gene flow, or genetic drift. That is the reason we find different races in human beings or different breeds in dogs. This phenomenon is called microevolution.

Human beings have used this concept to create new breeds of dogs, or in crossbreeding of plants or animals in general. In microevolution, genetic information that already exists is put in a new arrangement, altered, or lost. It is also believed that microevolution is better referred to as 'variation' or 'adaptation', that occurs within a population or species.

Biologists believe that this process over a much larger time scale can lead to so much of genetic change that it may give rise to a new species. This theory is the extrapolation of microevolution over very long time scales. It is termed as macroevolution. The proponents of Darwin's theory believe in this concept.

Contrary to microevolution, this theory assumes the addition of new genetic information to the existing genetic structure. In other words, it is the evolutionary changes that occur past the species level. However, so far such a thing has not been observed. Moreover, the difficulty to conduct such experiments is that macroevolution proposes a much longer timescale for species change when compared to a human being's lifetime.
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